Re: The Stones of Destiny Shadow Hawk Wed Jun 30 18:44:29 1999 Hello Brother, seemed like a good time to repost this one I wrote a while back....*p*: Searles writes;*br*: Here is what I sent out as a pan-Druidic attitude about *br*: stone:*br*:*br*: We had best be open *br*: to the voice of*br*: the Earth and the will of our own Creation if we long expect *br*: to be a*br*: harmonious part of life. The stones are a not so silent *br*: witness to our own*br*: destiny, if we have ears to hear and eyes that see.*p* DragonSong*p* As I was sitting here I decided to reach deep inside for the*br*Dragon. Not for power, but for understanding. As I opened *br*myself, I felt the solidity, the pure Rock of the Mountain, the Wind*br*blowing across my skin, the trees that are my hair. There it was*br*again. Full around me.*p* Yet I decided to look deeper. To look between the spaces. And it*br*was there that I found Song. It was there that I found Poetry. It*br*was there I that I found Soul. To know the body of the Dragon is*br*to know of the physical. To know the Song that sings in the Belly*br*of the Dragon is to know the Dragon. The Dragon exists, not to*br*exist, but to SING!*p* This is the Secret of the Bards, this is the Secret of the Druids. *br*When you know how to hear the Song of the Dragon, and how to*br*Sing with the Voice of the Dragon, then there is no mountain you*br*cannot move, no Sea that can't be drained with one gulp, no*br*cyclone that cannot be stilled with but a word, and no heart that*br*cannot be touched with but a whisper of the Song.*p* It has nothing to do with our human voices, they are but shallow*br*imitations of this Song. To hear the beat, listen to your Heart, to*br*feel the ebb and flow of it's strength, feel your*br*own Lifeforce ebb and flow. To Know the Song of the Dragon,*br*you must Sing with your whole being. Find Joy in your Body. *br*Find Joy in your Heart. Find Joy in your Soul. And when the*br*Three worlds are One, the Song will burst forth and those around*br*you will see it, and you, and they will begin to Sing as well.*p**br*Bright Blessings,*br* S.H.*p**br* The Stones of Destiny Searles 483 Thu Jun 24 20:24:23 1999