Re: Pagan Seminaries Searles Sun Jul 4 00:51:25 1999 I don't think the general public will have much trouble taking us seriously if we present ourselves in a serious fashion. Our schools and seminaries will have high or higher standards than most. Our students will have undergraduate degrees from accredited schools or equivalent experience and accomplishments. Our faculty will be writing papers in the scholarly as well as religious publications. In short, we will be an educational institution that sets the standards for our religion. *p*Many of the members of The Summerlands have worked in religious organizations before. Many are teachers and quite a few of us are also published writers. In the final analysis, we will be judged on our efforts and the quality of our work. Would we have it any other way?*p*Searles*p*Stormseer wrote,*br*<snip>*br*: Ar nDraiocht Fein has been trying to do this for years. I'm *br*: assuming funding was the only thing in the way but now, *br*: since the issue in the media has been the credibility of *br*: Pagans, it seems we have to validate our religious *br*: preferences.*br*:*br*: In other words, wouldn't it be difficult for the general *br*: public to take us seriously? I know we could say "to *br*: Hades with them" but in the long run, social validation *br*: does matter.*br* Re: Pagan Seminaries Stormseer 486 Sat Jul 3 06:42:04 1999