Re: Druids Gathering Searles Wed Jul 21 00:38:50 1999 Here's the rough transcript:*p**** Log file opened: 7/20/99 8:55:44 PM*br*Searles [] has joined #DruidsAssembly*br*<TopazOwl> Hey again. :-)*br*<Searles> Hi all*br*<TopazOwl> Did we leave Jay behind?*br*<Deborah> I think he's signing off for the night*br*<Deborah> said his eyes are tired*br*<Searles> Did everyone get a chance to consider what the topic for tonight is about?*br*<TopazOwl> Ah.*br*<TopazOwl> Truth. :-)*br*<TopazOwl> How to find it, how to recognize it?*br*<Searles> Yes...truth ... that elusive quality.*br*<TopazOwl> What is Truth?*br*TopazOwl thinks that's a philosophical question if ever there was one*br*<Searles> Truth is what is happening.*br*<TopazOwl> hey, truth's happenin'.*br*<Jehana> what's the topic?? <g>*br*<Searles> I suspect its very much like what Jean Markale was saying about beingand deity and the relationship of Druids to both.*br*<TopazOwl> Which is,,?*br*<Searles> Truth is creation and creation is truth for instance.*br*<Searles> Which of course means that truth is relative.*br*<Searles> In a sense, truth is like string theory.*br*<TopazOwl> Hmm. I do not think Truth is relative.*br*<Deborah> In many cases I think Truth is subjective*br*<TopazOwl> (The truth is out there. <g>)*br*<TopazOwl> Maybe, but the ultimate Truth is not.*br*<TopazOwl> Of course, we can onyl see bits of it through our special filters.*br*<Searles> It starts relative to a d-space and it has a shape to it and when it is vibrated by our interaction with f it, we in turn perceive it.*br*<TopazOwl> Which makes the part we see relative.*br*<Searles> yes*br*<Searles> truth is relative to your platform.*br*<Searles> A d-space is a plane where black holes form. It's just a place where things come into beingand winkout again.*br*<Deborah> huh? Sorry... dont understand that d-space f it sentence at all... elaborate please?*br*<Searles> So to mak eit more "down to earth," truth starts relative to a social code or an assumption and procedes from there.*br*TopazOwl nods*br*<Jehana> gotcha*br*<Deborah> ok... now THAT's in English <G>*br*<Deborah> well... American at least*br*<TopazOwl> LOL*br*<Searles> In my experience and search for truth, this means that many assumptions get identified in the analysis or the quest for what we term ultimate truth.*br*<GreyWolf> Here is a relative truth for you, if I look at the window bars this room reads :#DruidsAss:*br*Deborah sets mode: +o Searles *br*<TopazOwl> Must have that window mighty small, GW.*br*<Searles> Our truths then become strings relative to the initial assumptions and look really good up close though their tie-ins and circularr logic become more apparent when we take a large frame of reference.*br*<Deborah> hahahahaha*br*<Deborah> but I dont want to pound the Druid's Ass... I'm rather fond of it just the way it is*br*<TopazOwl> Who said anything about pounding it?*br*<Searles> Is there truth in a Druids' Ass?:-)*br*<Deborah> # Druid's Ass <G>*br*<TopazOwl> Oh...heehee.*br*<TopazOwl> If there is truth in the Druid, yes. :-)*br*<Deborah> Depends on the Druid and whether or not he's an ass <G>*br*<GreyWolf> The Seat of wisdom*br*<TopazOwl> What goes in must come out and all that. <g>*br*<Deborah> <G>*br*<Deborah> ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh*br*TopazOwl thinks she could go on, but won't*br*<Deborah> and on that note... I'll brb*br*<Searles> Well, tthe Dagda wasn't himself until he got rid of all that oatmeal.*br*<Searles> After that he was irresistable....perhaps truthis gettingrid of the Formorian porridge?*br*<TopazOwl> Of course. :-)*br*<TopazOwl> Exactly!*br*<Searles> do each of you recognize truth?*br*<TopazOwl> Hmm. Shall I tell?*br*<TopazOwl> I call it the "Chill of Knowing." :-)*br*<Searles> yes please.*br*<Jehana> hmm, depends on how it smells?*br*<Jehana> <g>*br*<Searles> I it has to do with senses?*br*<TopazOwl> No, it has to do with extra-sensory. :-)*br*<GreyWolf> I can only base seeing truth based upon my knowledge base and my methods of perception*br*<Jehana> chill of knowing, that is a great description (getting more serious here)*br*<Jehana> yes.*br*<Searles> Sensing, smelling, seeing*br*<Searles> No tasting or hearing?*br*<GreyWolf> Yes, does it have the ring of truth*br*<TopazOwl> No, because that is that subjective truth again.*br*<TopazOwl> Real truth is determined by the "Chill of Knowing." :-)*br*<TopazOwl> <-- speaking as a Seer here now*br*<Jehana> hmm, that chill was in scarse supply this last weekend <g>*br*<TopazOwl> Oh? :-)*br*<Jehana> too hot and humid <g>*br*<TopazOwl> I still got them. <g>*br*<TopazOwl> 95 degrees with 100+ heat index and I am chilled anyway. <g>*br*<Jehana> but yes, seriously, it feels "right" to me, what topaz is saying.*br*<Searles> e Cill of Knowing" sounds like a sensation that you associate with being in a "Place of Truth."*br*<Jehana> hmm, the way to bear the heat is to find truth, i like that.*br*<Searles> The Chill of Knowingthatis :-)*br*<TopazOwl> It happens this way...someone says something, or I will "see" something, and it causes me to feel a shiver inside me.*br*<Searles> Yes...but waht is that shiver?*br*<TopazOwl> And that is how I know a Truth of the capital T kind.*br*<TopazOwl> Extra-sensory perception -- a connection with the All.*br*<Jehana> something trying to align within one?*br*<TopazOwl> Yes, Searles, a Place of Truth.*br*<TopazOwl> It is a sensation I have come to rely on and trust.*br*<TopazOwl> It is how I read cards, ogham...*br*<TopazOwl> it is how I interpret dreams.*br*<Searles> We've arrived at the Place of Truth quickly it seems.*br*<Searles> I also think that we've identified one step toward what makes one a Druid.*br*<TopazOwl> Too quickly? :-)*br*<Searles> not for some.*br*<Searles> To answer Jehana's question*br*<Jehana> the searching for truth, and the finding of it?*br*<Searles> Truth might be an alignment of one's spirit with spirit.*br*<Searles> SPirit of Creation for instance.*br*<TopazOwl> Spirit of creation in what sense?*br*<Searles> To be a Druid IMO is to search for truth and to find it in one of the few places where it exists without being relative.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes!*br*<Searles> Spirit of Creation in the sense that when one is nowhere and goes somewhere, creation occurs.*br*<TopazOwl> (The AC is on 62 and my feet are freezing...BRB)*br*<Searles> When creation occurs it is ongoing and never-ending.*br*<Jehana> she just got a chill of knowing.*br*<Searles> The Chill of Knowingthatit's 62 degrees.*br*<TopazOwl> LOL*br*<Searles> I suppose one could find the truth of creation by discovering all of its extremes and finding th ebalance point within it.*br*<TopazOwl> Creation occurs in motion?*br*<Searles> That'd be the difficult way to do it IMO however.*br*Deborah is now known as Debaway*br*<Searles> Creation occurs in differentiation.*br*<TopazOwl> Better word. :-)*br*<TopazOwl> What's the easy way to do it?*br*<Searles> The easy way to do it is to go back to the beginning...before the beginning.*br*<Jehana> ah, pre big bang?*br*<TopazOwl> And watch it happen?*br*<Searles> That of coursse is known as rejecting all of creation as being an illusion of sorts.*br*<Jehana> ooo, cool.*br*<Searles> So just go to the place where there's not even no-thing.*br*<TopazOwl> The truth of creation is that it's an illusion. :-)*br*<Searles> Yes...pre-big bamg*br*<Searles> pre I am*br*<Searles> pre 1 pre 0*br*<Searles> "i" and not "i"*br*<TopazOwl> become nothing.*br*<Searles> yes*br*<TopazOwl> Then how will I be to see?*br*<TopazOwl> :-)*br*<Searles> Annwyn*br*<Searles> Whysee?*br*<TopazOwl> Oh no, he's Welsh on me.*br*<Searles> nope*br*<Searles> but there's nota good word for it in any other language that's backed up with any tales.*br*<TopazOwl> :-)*br*<TopazOwl> Annwyn means nothing?*br*<Searles> Anyway the Buddha and the Yogis and the Seers and the Filidh and the Draoithe all stepped into thatplace at one time or another.*br*<TopazOwl> Nowhere?*br*<Searles> Itt means Not-place.*br*<GreyWolf> A place outside of time and space ?*br*<Searles> yes*br*<TopazOwl> Yes.*br*<TopazOwl> Ooops, BRB*br*TopazOwl is now known as Owlbeback*br*<Searles> A place that surrounds time and space butis not a part of them directly.*br*<Jehana> hmmm*br*<Searles> It's like those other 3 dimensions the string theory people kept using.*br*<GreyWolf> humm, sounds like infinity (and I dont mean or bar tender)*br*<Searles> He's too chaotic to be no-plcae.*br*<GreyWolf> like stepping into infinity*br*<Searles> yes in a sense.*br*<Searles> Like being at the edge of the razor and not going one way or the other.*br*<Searles> Goingbetween the edge.*br*<Searles> When we get a great idea or we realize thatsomethingis absolutelytrue, we do get tha "chill of wonder."*br*Owlbeback is now known as TopazOwl*br*<GreyWolf> Sort of sounds like a place you could easily get lost in *br*<Searles> It's also how I think we feel when we approach deity.*br*<TopazOwl> I was just not here.*br*<TopazOwl> Oh yes.*br*<TopazOwl> Same chill.*br*<Searles> Seems to me that we need to quantify these truth experiences as much as we can *br*GreyWolf thinks he has a long road ahead*br*<TopazOwl> I am not good at quantifying. :-)*br*<Jehana> maybe just learn from them w/o quantifying?*br*<Searles> and then identify techniques that will allow other people to experience them in their own ways so that we can better establish the requirements for being a real Druid.*br*<Jehana> qualitatifying instead?*br*<Jehana> (quality vs. quantity)*br*<Searles> This is vs. those who would be social Druids or book Druids.*br*<TopazOwl> There ya go. That will do it.*br*<Searles> For me it was the reconciliation of two facts that could not be reconciled.*br*<TopazOwl> Like that chillof knowing when I was in the presence of an Cailleach...*br*<Searles> I'm not sure what it would be for each of you.*br*<Jehana> an cailleach??*br*<Searles> The greater the truth the deeper the chill.*br*<TopazOwl> Oh yes. The Cailleach.*br*<Searles> to the bones even :-)*br*<TopazOwl> Appeared to me in visual.*br*<Searles> The Hag*br*<TopazOwl> Bone-chills indeed.*br*<TopazOwl> Spoke to me, even. Was quite an experience.*br*<Jehana> ahh.*br*<TopazOwl> There was Truth in that encounter.*br*<TopazOwl> What opposites were reconciled for you Searles?*br*<GreyWolf> I am Sorry, I am crashing here badly, can you post the log so I can read the rest later*br*<Searles> Will do Gar*br*<GreyWolf> Thanks, night all*br*GreyWolf [] has left #DruidsAssembly*br*<TopazOwl> Night Gar.*br*<TopazOwl> Or should I say "Whirl Grey?"*br*<Searles> I suppose itwas to me that nothing could be reconciled in the long run.*br*<TopazOwl> :-)*br*<Searles> All information is contradictory at some point, whichmeans that there is no absolute truth within the reality that we perceive.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes.*br*<Searles> This was a new idea, a revelation to me, butit is an old idea that has been taughtbymany religions.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes, it has.*br*<Jehana> ah yes, searles, indeed.*br*<Searles> Buddha taughtthis.*br*<Searles> Jesus taught this.*br*<Jehana> i have a great book on this concept...*br*<Searles> I'm certain that Witchcraft probablyteaches this as well.*br*<Jehana> the psychic grid, by beatrice bruteau.*br*<Jehana> yes, it does.*br*<Searles> I'll be sure tto read it.*br*<Searles> The quest for truth will eventually lead a disciplined and inquiringmind to the nott-place IMO*br*<TopazOwl> What does one find in the Not-PLace?*br*<Searles> A goood tool to have would be a meditation or a mantra that allowed one to get that "chill" when itwas said.*br*<Searles> A trained and conditioned response to a triggering or a reminding experience.*br*<TopazOwl> Truth. :-)*br*<TopazOwl> The smell of sage.*br*<Searles> In the not-place one finds truth through knowing.*br*<Searles> One might also find one's fellows*br*<Searles> Knowing that comes from everywhere at the same time.*br*<TopazOwl> Been there. Hard to do that and not lose your mind.*br*<Jehana> ah, yes, the smell of sage.*br*<TopazOwl> loose even*br*<TopazOwl> no. lose.*br*<TopazOwl> See? I've lost it. <g>*br*<Searles> I'm suggestingthatwe construct a "Chant of Truth" that describes the not-place experience, the journey to it, and what one might expect to find there or not-there.*br*<Jehana> (getting a chill myself, but I think it's the window fan and the drop in temps)*br*<Searles> In addition to that it might speak about the effect that the experience has upon one's perspectives.*br*<Jehana> ah, yes.*br*<Searles> In a sense it should almost be a liatny and a part of many rituals.*br*<TopazOwl> Good thought.*br*<Jehana> yes, a litany.*br*<Searles> I once thoughtthat a group I was in came close to it but then they began to wander in the wilderness.:-)*br*<Jehana> with a cadence.*br*<Searles> To a drum or with a cadence that is a kourney of sorts.*br*<TopazOwl> Still wandering, if it's the same group I'm thinking of.*br*<Jehana> (nodding)*br*<Searles> But within it should be the contradictions.*br*<Searles> T.O. they were close.*br*<Jehana> yes.. essential, those contradictions.*br*<Searles> but close is relative:-)*br*<Jehana> which group? *br*TopazOwl smiles*br*<Searles> A druidic group I once associated with*br*<Searles> but was not a member of.*br*<TopazOwl> Actually, there are a couple of those. :-)*br*<Searles> Since I'm not a member, I won't speak their name.*br*<Jehana> that came close, or that you associated with without joining?*br*<Searles> 31 flavors?*br*<Searles> yes*br*<Jehana> okay, no problem.*br*<TopazOwl> Flavor of the month? <g>*br*<TopazOwl> Egyptian druids?*br*<Searles> I'd think that your own group works in that kind of space Jehana.*br*<Jehana> yes, it has that at times.*br*<Jehana> it's not a place that one gets to every time. *br*<TopazOwl> I found that I get to that space alone easier...taking along a grove is difficult.*br*<Searles> No it isn't but sometimes...and the more often it happens, the easier it is to accomplish.*br*<Searles> I agree that alone is sometimes easier*br*<Searles> though beingassisted bytrusted companions is a great help.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes.*br*<TopazOwl> If you are sure your companions know what they're doing, it can help.*br*<Jehana> alone is usually easier, but with the right connections w/ one's group, the group synergy makes that easier.*br*<Searles> That's why it's important to have the mutual quests, even ordeals, so that we have those companions, who are of like mind and spirit, inhenently annd by practice.*br*<Jehana> but it has to be the right group.*br*<Jehana> yes, inded, agreeed.*br*<Searles> Exactly.*br*<Searles> The rightgroup is those people who have the same goals and who have done much o the same work.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes.*br*<Jehana> agreed, topaz, you also have to make sure your companions know whaat theay are doing too.*br*<Jehana> yes, od.*br*<Searles> Your companions also should be able to go to these places on their own.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes.*br*<Jehana> agreed.*br*<TopazOwl> You know what also triggers that feeling for me?*br*<Searles> My connection here has been poor (Internet phones etc)...don't be surprised if I lleave and can't get backonline.*br*<Searles> What is that?*br*<TopazOwl> Ritual. :-)*br*<Jehana> ah, i c. *br*<Searles> Yes...but ritual that builds a space for it to happen.*br*<Jehana> some ritual, yes.*br*<TopazOwl> There are places in Keltrian ritual, for instance, that bring me to that place.*br*<Searles> I guess where I'm going withthis line of thoughtis*br*<Jehana> (not yet familiar w/ keltrian ritual)*br*<TopazOwl> But I have noticed that it doesn't do that for others.*br*<Searles> towards developinglitanies, chants, invocations and rituals out of our shared experiences.*br*<TopazOwl> Mostly because they lack that experience, I'm sure.*br*<Searles> If we understand whatthe ritual means and symbolizes, then we can step into that space more easily.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes. Maybe we are helping with our discussion on the list.*br*<Searles> That's what the tales are so important.*br*<Searles> Theyexplain what those parts of the ritual mean.*br*Debaway is now known as Deborah*br*<TopazOwl> Yes, exactly.*br*<TopazOwl> Hey Deb.*br*<Searles> Celtic ritual mightstart with a tale that everyone can understand on their own level.*br*<Searles> It would then take that tale and go through activities designed to take you to the place that was in the tale.*br*<Searles> I think we are to a point but I know from personal experience that I thoughtit was all bull until it happened to me.:-)*br*<Jehana> hey deb*br*<TopazOwl> Very good. Like teaching a class.*br*<Deborah> has anyone else read Moon Magic by Dion Fortune?*br*<TopazOwl> Nope.*br*<Deborah> although it's 'fiction' it discusses creating ritual space in depth*br*<Deborah> and goes into some of the more esoteric elements of it*br*<Deborah> I found it a fascinating read*br*<Jehana> i vaguely remember reading it eons ago.*br*<Jehana> i need to re-read it.*br*<Deborah> yeah... so do I*br*<Searles> I thikthe idea of the central, sacred tree goes a long way toward creatingritual space and establishing a connection between the worlds.*br*<Deborah> it just popped into my head when I read what y'all were talking about re: creating ritual space*br*<TopazOwl> Yes. I always try to use a tree in ritual space.*br*<TopazOwl> A live one is best. :-)*br*<Jehana> grin.*br*<Jehana> you always do outdoor ritual?*br*<Searles> yes a really alive one :-)*br*<Jehana> or you ahve a tree inside for winter ritual?*br*<TopazOwl> I remember journeying once and I used the ash tree in front of me as the doorway.*br*<Searles> We did some work inside a tree once.*br*<Searles> Thatwas very alive.*br*<TopazOwl> No, but I use a bell branch that becomes the Otherworldly tree in winter. :-)*br*<Searles> I like to work with fire in the winter.*br*<Jehana> we've done tree exercises (sort of guided meditations into the lives of trees)*br*<Searles> I'm thinkingthat the inverted tree at the centerof a circle*br*<Searles> is just such a symbol of something that is at once true and also a contradiction.*br*<TopazOwl> The fire?*br*<Searles> no...thinkingof Sea Henge*br*<Searles> sorry...mind's jumping around.*br*<TopazOwl> Okay. :-)*br*<Searles> The fire is an act where the wood is giving up the Sun's a sense thatis why Brighid is a goddess of the hearth*br*TopazOwl is also thinking about the time she went to the Underworld riding her staff*br*<Searles> because she also harnesses the energy of the Sun.*br*<Searles> I'd love to hear aboutit.*br*<Jehana> yes, do tell.*br*<TopazOwl> Nothing to tell really, just was thinking about the tree analogy, equating it to the center ridge-pole that was the world tree.*br*<TopazOwl> Shaman travelling the tree to the upper or under worlds.*br*<Searles> seven notches on the ladder*br*<TopazOwl> And realizing that is what I do.*br*<Jehana> ah*br*<TopazOwl> It was the night I went to try to save Howard.*br*<TopazOwl> I failed. :(*br*<Searles> Why did you fail?*br*<TopazOwl> Because he died anyway.*br*<TopazOwl> Even though I got his duile back.*br*<Searles> That's whathappened. That's not why you failed.*br*<TopazOwl> Why then?*br*<Searles> Maybe you accepted the truth of his dyingand beingreborn?*br*<TopazOwl> Well, I had to. I didn;t have the power to keep him here.*br*<TopazOwl> That is what I must accept.*br*<TopazOwl> I tried though.*br*<Searles> Even inthe tales, the gods don'thave the power to keeppeople or cats here.*br*<TopazOwl> Some things can't be changed by the likes of us. :-)*br*<Searles> Theycan however help them cross and chose another life.*br*<TopazOwl> That was the trip where we froze the Lizard Woman. <g>*br*<Searles> Theycan also breath life into a body tempoarily and you could and probably did do that with Howard.*br*<Searles> But the truth of life is that it is paired with death.*br*<TopazOwl> Jehana is going "oh dear, what is this all about?" and backing away slowly. :-)*br*<Jehana> grin, no she isn't.*br*<TopazOwl> Well, he lived another three weeks.*br*<Searles> Lizard Women deseerve a good freeze every now and then :-)*br*<TopazOwl> I think I was responsible for that anyway.*br*<Jehana> but she is curious about the lizard woman.*br*<TopazOwl> A very bad entity from the Otherworld.*br*<Jehana> ah. gotcha.*br*<Jehana> have run into a few of those as well.*br*<Searles> It's good to have strongallies when one also has strong adversaries.*br*<TopazOwl> I suppose the failure is percieved from the intent, eh? :-)*br*<Searles> In a way.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes, it is. I had strong allies with me that night.*br*<Jehana> ah yes*br*<Searles> The way that it was explained to me is that if you really want to change things, then take the possibility for it beingany way but the way you want it completelyout of reality and creation.*br*<Searles> Then it doesn't ever happen another way again.*br*<TopazOwl> Yes. I have heard that. *br*<Searles> Takes a bitof certainty and will on the part of th eperson doingthe working.*br*<Searles> Everythinghas itss price.*br*<TopazOwl> I healed his spirit. That was the real intent. The body was not to be healed.*br*<Jehana> i c.*br*<Searles> I think thatyoucan see Howard when you see your brother*br*<TopazOwl> And she hasn't bothered me for a year either. Must be she was frozen quite a long time. <g>*br*<Searles> Howard at his finest.*br*<TopazOwl> I do. :-)*br*<TopazOwl> Truth was evident in him.*br*<TopazOwl> My Little Medicine Man. <g>*br*<Searles> Cats teach us l;essons when we quit putting themin fur pajamas.*br*<Jehana> grin.*br*<TopazOwl> LOL*br*<TopazOwl> Oh but they're so cuddly in those PJs. :-)*br*<Searles> Yes theyare.*br*<Jehana> yes, they are...*br*<Searles> You should try cuddlingwithBearsometime while your both wearingfur coats.*br*<Jehana> and they really don't want to be shaved out of them.*br*<Searles> It's a very cat like experience.*br*<TopazOwl> LOL*br*<TopazOwl> I'm a very cat-like person sometimes.*br*<TopazOwl> :-)*br*<Searles> Be thinkingof telling the new tales*br*<TopazOwl> Only I have the wings. <g>*br*<Searles> and about the experiences thatled to them.*br*<TopazOwl> That is a tale I will tell one day.*br*<Searles> We'll begin to work up small rituals and chants that are Druidic for the rest of the people.*br*<TopazOwl> In it's entirety.*br*<Searles> We need them for births,deaths, worship, marriage, blessings and cursings as well ass for prophecy.*br*<Searles> I'm hopin that we'll generate a tribal library of such tales and techniques.*br*<TopazOwl> I need something special for a handfasting soon. :-)*br*<Searles> Need to go to thatplace of truth.*br*<Jehana> hmmm, really? cool.*br*<Searles> I'll work on it myself.*br*<Searles> Now I must eat...blessings to you both.*br*<TopazOwl> Another place that is a place of Truth for me is dreamtime.*br*<Searles> And hope to see you tomorrow as well.*br*<Jehana> blessigns.*br*<Jehana> and i must sleep.*br*<Jehana> yes, dreamtime.*br*<TopazOwl> Oiche mhaith!*br*<Searles> Dreams will be a part of the techniques.*br*<Jehana> i won't be here until thursday.*br*<Jehana> good night all.*br*<Jehana> blessigns.*br*<TopazOwl> And thank you. This has been a good discussion.*br*<Jehana> yes. need to dream more.*br*<Searles> Oiche mhaitha chairde, a Topaz a Jehana.*br*<Jehana> thank you i've enjoyed likewise.*br*<Jehana> see you.*br*<Searles> -mail Gar a transcript ?*br*Jehana [] has quit IRC (ta-ta)*br*<Searles> :-)*br*<TopazOwl> Yes, he will like it.*br*<Searles> Sla/n is beanancht*br**** Log file closed: 7/20/99 10:25:56 PM*p*GreyWolf wrote,*br*: Treva wrote,*br*: : I tried several times to get into IRC tonight, *br*: : unsuccessfully. Is there a chance that a transcript could be *br*: : posted here?*br*: :*br*: : Thanks.*br*: : Treva*br*:*br*: Well, likely not much to post, so far just Topaz, Jehana and *br*: I*br*:*br*: Looks like the Druids Gathering will not be held tonight*br* Re: Druids Gathering GreyWolf 496 Tue Jul 20 21:33:33 1999