Re: Druidic Ritual Searles Sun Aug 8 12:07:58 1999 I'll dig out what I've written before on ritual and Isaac Bonewits's outliine so we can have three different outlines to balance against one another.*p*While I'm doing that, perhaps we should identify times and places for formal rituals in regards to what they are celebrating or addressing and what the nature of a ritual place or space might be. Here's something I posted on a.r.d. to get things going:*p*"The Fe/is Temrach was said to be held every three years at Samhain, but*br*seems generally to have been held only once during the reign of each king*br*(at the beginning of his reign). They had feasting and sports for 3 to 7*br*days, though the meetings of the Seanchai/, Brehons, Filidh and Physicians*br*could continue until done. It is my belief that the inauguration of*br*kingship occurred immediately following the death or removal of the former*br*king and was done on almost any date. The Fe/is of Tara was the actual*br*celebration of the kings reign, once it was firmly established*p*The difference between the Fe/is of Tara and an aonach is that at the fe/is*br*only the kings, nobles and Ollamhs attended (with their retinue) while the*br*aonachs were open to all. There were also da/ls which were business*br*meetings and assembles of individual tuaths. There were also meetings*br*called airecht held on local hills by the chieftain of a tribe. The places*br*of this meeting was sometimes called aibinn."*p*I guess good general times for meetings are when:*p*Requests are made of the Deities.*p*Initiations and Inaugarations Occur.*p*The Cycles of the Year are Honored.*p*The Ancestors are Honors.*p*Births, Deaths, Weddings.*p*The Beginnings of Tribal Activities (planting, expeditions, voyages, war, etc.).*p*Working Magick and Reading the Signs.*p*Perhaps there are more reasons that I've overlooked?*p*Searles*p**p*TopazOwl wrote,*br*<snip>*br*:*br*: Well, I can certainly give you our ritual outline from *br*: Keltria, as perhaps a starting point. These are the public *br*: rituals. I cannot give you, however, the rites we use for *br*: magic, but I'm sure you understand. :-)*br*:*br*<snip>*br*: In our healing rites (called the Mistletoe Rite),we do *br*: not call Principles, so that step is eliminated. And as I *br*: said before, the other work we do is only for initiates.*br*:*br*: This is a formal ritual outline. My private practices *br*: vary considerably.*br*:*br*: Leigh*br* Re: Druidic Ritual TopazOwl 507 Sat Aug 7 20:27:41 1999