Re: Druidic Code of Honor TopazOwl Mon May 18 09:18:24 1998 Another triad for your consideration:*p*"Three things by which excellence is established: Taking all*br*things in moderation with nothing in excess; abidance to oaths;*br*and acceptance of responsibility."*p* This one pretty much lays out good conduct for us. While all parts of the triads are important, always the third and last part of a triad is the most pointed, and I have always maintained that the Celts were very adamant about taking responsibility. Responsibility increased as status increased, so that the nemed class (of which Druids were a part) was a very responsible bunch. What greater responsibility than the education, religious direction, and well-being of one's people?*p* "All things in moderation" is certainly a self-respect issue. "Abidance to oaths" has to do with respect for self and others.*br*So in essence, this triad could be re-written to say "respect for self, respect for others, and acceptance of responsibility."*br* *br* The basis of honorable action. Or, in the words of Rose Kennedy, "To whom much is given, much is expected."*p*Leigh*br* Re: Druidic Code of Honor TopazOwl 41 Tue May 12 17:14:58 1998