Recommended List of Books GreyWolf Sat Sep 11 17:46:50 1999 A few attempts have been made in the past to come up with a list of recommended readings for those interested in a serious course of study of the Celts and the Druids. However, we have not progressed very far in those attempts. Recently I have seen several posts asking for a listing of books that should be read. *p*Well, lets get this thing done once and for all.*p*I have scheduled a chat on Sept 28th to begin this process. More will follow.*p*What I wish to accomplish on that evening and starting now via the board, is to come up with the list of topics under which we need to have books listed.*p*Here is an example of what I have in mind.*p*We need a list of books that MUST be read to establish a good solid broad based knowledge background over a variety of topical areas.*p*Examples, *br*The Druids by Piggott*br*Celtic Heritage, by Rees & Rees*br*Early Irish Law by Kelly*br*Ancient Irish Tales by Cross & Slover*br*ect, ect, ect*p*Beyond this MUST BE READ List of a dozen or so books - I feel we need the topics lists for further reading in those areas that any person might be drawn to.*p*Once we establish the list of topics, I would like to see 2 or 3 books listed for each topic broken down by levels:*br*Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced*p*Now, we cant just put up a list of book titles, I feel we must say, in a couple of sentences, why we recommend the books. Make sence ?*p*We should also offer a non-recommended listing and state clearly why.*p*I offer the following sacrificial intital topics list, which is taken in part from the Druidic College post from Beirdd and Topaz and a few additional topics that I have added.*p*OK, please think about this and let the chat start.*br*I will correlate all of your input.*p*Treat this as the beginnings of a set of recommendations for a serious course of study - something that we will all be proud to recommend to anyone. Something that will be useful as a guide for those who are just starting out (beginner), those that have some knowledge but wish to learn more (intermediate), and those that wish to seek more advanced knowledge (advanced).*p*Let me know if you want to help work on this.*p*I would like to see this list posted as the first page in the bookstore, and posted prominently in seveal locations on the Summerlands - once we are finished.*p*Look over the following topics, what is missing, what needs to be eliminated ?*br* *br**************************************************p*Myths, Fairy Tales & Legends*p*Language - Irish*p*Ogham*p*Literature*br*Celtic Literature *br*Irish Poetry*p*History*br*Celtic History *br*Druidic History*br*Archaeology*br*Anthropology*p*Sciences*br*Herbs and Herbal Healing*br*Gardening*br*Orienteering*br*Nutrition*br*Astronomy*br*Natural Sciences*br*Ecology*br*Arboriculture*p*Theology*br*Religion in Ireland*br*Religion in the United States*br*Druidic Theology*br*Celtic Mythology*p*Ritual & Liturgy*br*Liturgy*br*Druidic Ritual*br*Druidic Divination*br*Sacred Time and Space*br*Elements of Ritual*br*Celtic Folk Ritual and Practice*br*Ritual Music Planning*br*Appreciating Sacred Music*br*Elements of Chant / Basic Singing Skills*p*Psychology*br*Counseling*br*Interpersonal Relations*br*Pastoral Counseling *p*Law*br*Medical Ethics*br*Bioethics*br*Social Justice*br*Brehon Law*br*Pastoral / Law Questions*br*Principles of Administration and Management*br*Diplomacy*br*Negotiation and Mediation*br*Religion and Clergy in United States Law*p*Spirituality*br*Spiritual Literature*br*Mysticism*br*Spiritual Development*br*Spiritual Direction*br*Meditation*p*Art - Celtic Art*p*Cooking & Drink*p*Crafts*p*Death & Dying*p*Not Recommended