Re: Druidic Code of Honor Akiernox OCathasaigh Tue May 19 13:12:21 1998 Here are some things that would fit in-line with our discussion:*p*1.) Three things to avoid are: Dishonesty, Greed, and Fear. When one commits a dishonest act or tells a lie, not only do the ones towards whom it was perpetrated suffer but they who committed the act also suffer; for dishonesty clouds the mind of all who hear it and if accepted as truth then an even worse act of dishonesty is committed.*br*Greed needs to be avoided at all costs because it is an everconsuming weed that produces both dishonesty, and fear... the fear produced by greed is one of the loss of status, power, and a fear of honest people who wish to commit beneficial acts for both our species, and our home the earth...*br* *br* Re: Druidic Code of Honor the Fluid Druid 53 Tue May 19 00:49:09 1998