Re: A ceast. Aicerno Wed Jan 19 21:48:58 2000 Shadow Hawk wrote,*br*: Aicerno wrote,*br*: : What has eyes, but cannot see?*br*:*br*: ** A Potato***br*:*br*: : What has legs, but cannot move?*br*:*br*: ** Table/Chair/Piano (etc)*br*:*br*: : What has a spirit, but cannot recognize its soul?*br*:*br*: That's easy, whiskey, beer, meade (etc) (g)*br*:*br*: *br*: : What walks on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and *br*: : on three in the evening?*br*:*br*: ***The riddle of the Sphinx, Man. Crawls on four when he's *br*: in the morning of his life (baby), two legs when older, and *br*: uses a cane when he's too old to walk on his own.****p*Correct, on most counts. *S* However, the last one is, as you say Shadow Hawk, the riddle of the Sphinx. And your answer according to Sophocles is the same as Oedipus's. But think on it like this: Does it refer to Man (the generic term for humans) or does it refer to A Man? Remember the prophecy, which combined with the events, the answer soon unfolds. Re: A ceast. Shadow Hawk 576 Wed Jan 19 07:53:43 2000