juebel_1ea@yahoo.com Re: Celtic Fire Festivals /Sun Rituals Shadow Hawk Thu Jan 20 07:14:56 2000 : The Celtic Workshops are a good beginning, but for more *br*: advanced topics, I recommend reading the message boards and *br*: participating in the IRC discussions that are held weekly *br*: (they're listed on the Calendar at the Crossroads). We also *br*: have classes periodically where even more depth is found *br*: about topics of interest to members. I'll be posting a *br*: pronunciation guide soon.*br*:*br*: Sla/n is beannacht,*br*:*br*: Searles*p* Hey OD! I know I only drop in periodically, but why not have one of our Gaelic speaking brothers record key words/phrases as .wav files that can be downloaded from the library?*p*Bright blessings,*br* SH Re: Celtic Fire Festivals /Sun Rituals Searles O'Dubhain 556 Wed Dec 1 11:47:03 1999