Memory and Mind Tools Searles Sat Apr 1 13:43:49 2000 Here's an excerpt from my book _Ogham Divination_ that addresses memory techniques among Druids and some modern methods that use the same techniques:*p*'The use of both scripted and uniquely defined symbols, as well as numerically ordered lists, is found in both modern and ancient memory systems. A reading of a few modern books on memory systems and training should suffice to demonstrate this inherent similarity between the Ogham approach to memory groves and the time tested techniques that are still be taught under other guises today. A few modern systems come specifically to mind that use "pegs" upon which to hang remembered items in numbered groups of five and/or ten. An excellent Internet site and modern source for such memory systems is to be found at Mind Tools ( Here (in addition to modern memory techniques) you will also find techniques for managing stress, improving decision making, solving, facilitating better communication and increasing creativity.'*p*I expect to be visiting this site often to compare ancient and modern ways of mastering the Mind.*p*Searles Mind Tools