Re: A Question of Religion and Myth Taliesin2 Sun May 21 19:52:30 2000 Searles wrote,*br*: Myth is a way of trying to explain the unexplainable in any *br*: religion. In most modern religions, there is a double *br*: standard that allows people to say that myth is this type of *br*: story telling in *other* peoples' religions and not within *br*: one's own. The Bible is filled with myths, poems, *br*: philosophy and some history. As such, it is no more *br*: accurate than say the Lebor Gaba/la in Irish traditions or *br*: the Rig Veda in Indian traditions.*br*:*br*: Searles*p*Um, can you explain this double standard a bit more? TIA Re: A Question of Religion and Myth Searles 608 Sat May 20 10:31:16 2000