Re: A Druid's Perspective on common things... TopazOwl Mon Aug 7 13:42:57 2000 StarryNight wrote,*br*: Hey everyone!*br*:*br*: Here's a few topics to think about...I've been wondering *br*: about...what would a Druid's perspective be on the following *br*: things:*br*:*br*: - vegetarianism/veganism...*p* The same as anyone else's. We are both meat-eaters and vegetarians and it is a personal choice. The ancient Celts were meat-eaters, so it makes no sense to be vegetarians now, as some ancient Druidic rites called for eating (chewing) meat (like Imbas Forosna)and wrapping up in freshly killed bull hides. :-)*p**br*: ...and...*br*:*br*: -supposed mythological creatures; specifically dragons (are *br*: they good/bad/real creatures?), unicorns, mermaids and *br*: so on...*br*:*br*: The reason I'm asking is because I've been to sites like *br*: this one which "feel" very (common sense and *br*: scholarship) good...and I've been to others where there is *br*: discussion on the lore of what I've grown up to call *br*: "mythical" creatures. The feeling I get from *br*: these pages is somewhat's almost as if they *br*: blindly believe fantastical things. I guess what I'm *br*: getting at here is where does fantasy meet reality. I think *br*: I'm just getting confused...some clarity is needed and *br*: welcomed here...thanks...*p* Thank you for the compliment on the "feel" of the Summerlands. *p* This is a difficult and possibly lengthy subject, so I think I will take it to another thread. :-)*p*: Something else to chew on and discuss...What are the *br*: scientific names for the sacred trees of the Ogham (just so *br*: a few of us newbies <G> know what we're looking for *br*: and studying...sometimes the common names of trees can get *br*: confusing...)...I personally find it easier to identify *br*: trees and plants scientifically....any comments on the above *br*: are welcome *p* You might want to look at a field guide to trees for those answers. You also might want to check Ellen Evert Hopman's book "Tree Medicine, Tree Magic."*p* Barring that, I can come back later and give you some of them, and some of them are listed at the website below. (I *will* get that page finished someday! <g>)*p*Leigh*br* A Druid's Perspective on common things... StarryNight 644 Mon Aug 7 12:34:29 2000