Dragons, Unicorns, and other Mythical Beasties TopazOwl Mon Aug 7 13:58:20 2000 StarryNight asked about the reality of dragons and unicorns and other mythical beaties. I have started a new thread specifically for this topic.*p* It is my own feeling that dragons are real in the Otherworld, and may have once been real at some time on this plane of existence, especially if one found a place where the Veil between the worlds was very thin and the comings and goings from the Otherworld were frequent in such a place. Unicorns fit the same category in my mind and in my experience. When I was a small child, my spirit guide liked to visit me in the guise of a unicorn. :-)*p* The Celts believe that the Otherworld and this world are just a step apart. One can walk through a mist and suddenly find oneself in the Otherworld. Creatures from the Otherworld can certainly also visit in this world. *p* There is also a belief in my heart that we have no real idea what exists in this world with us, and that there are creatures and things that are perhaps not visible all of the time to all of the people. I know I am sometimes surprised. :-) Therefore, those without the gift of the Sight will consider these mythical beasts to be "fantasies," while those with the gift might perhaps know better. <g>*p* Some people claim to work with dragons in their spiritual efforts. Are these simply distinct powers or are they visible as actual dragons? I think power can exist and be "seen" in various shapes and it depends on the person and their relationship with the Otherworld. Some people believe "dragons" to be the forces of the elements. In the Druid Animal Oracle by the Carr-Gomms, they include four dragons in the deck, one for each Greek element (earth, air, fire, and water). That isn't really Celtic, this elemental system; nevertheless, it could be considered one valid way of looking at dragon energy.*p* I'm sure I have more in my head about this, but no time right now to continue. :-) But thanks for bringing it up!*p*Leigh