Re: Triads as Druidic Dogma? Branfionn Fri Aug 11 11:58:19 2000 *p* I've got news for ya buddy, dogma should get run over by karma. Any kind of dogma.*p* However, and I'd like to throw this out for all our structures actually, I highly recommend tri-form as the way to make us different from those, well, celtic wiccans. The triads are a classic. Tri-form is the strongest first form. A square is never as strong. A triangle or pyramid would face up to a tornado or hurricane or earthquake or sunami better than a box. But we are taught to build boxes. And so we do.*p* Let's go way outside of the box as Druids. *p* What have we? *br* *br* Triads.*br* Triple Sovereigns and Deities (and *NOT* that Mother-Maid-Crone/Son-Lover-Sage thing!)*br* Triskele*br* Shamrock*br* Earth-Sea-Sky - all those old Oaths.*br* Three trees: Birch, Rowan and Yew (I am talking Celtic Druids now.)*br* Braids*br* Etc., etc. etc.*p* One of the best ways to expand the mind is by working with non-verbal languages - like computers, like mathematics, like music. It makes you stretch. I'd always like to see a healthy dose of stretching built in to our structure. I'd like to see Summerlands get better as it goes. Not remain the same. Not static. A good basis to build on more like. *p*(And, yes, you have to pass the tests/teacher to be termed qualified. And even once qualified I believe that someone can become unfit to teach for other reasons. Case by case...Common vote might do just fine.)*p* Muddling quite happily off...<smile>*p* Branfionn*p*We could put a byline on all books "The best we've found so far, c. 2000/2001/2002-----" Keep the container fluid. Or "future editions always possible."*p**br*Searles wrote,*br*: I know dogma gets a bad rap among Pagans because it is just *br*: so... well... dogmatic! However, I think that the Druids *br*: solved this problem by presenting their more dogmatic *br*: approaches to many common topics of behavior and values *br*: through a triadic approach. Triads as Druidic Dogma? Searles 664 Fri Aug 11 09:24:09 2000