Re: Weighty Factors and Irish Celltic Cosmology Searles Sat Aug 12 00:50:50 2000 In Irish, Black is 'dub' and white is 'ba/n.'*p*dub - black; black, evil deed; darkness; black-hearted, malevolent, bigoted; great, intense, downright; unknown.*p*ba/n - white; albinism; lea; grasssland; white-headed; fair; pale; clear; blank; empty; idle; wild, crazy; fallow.*p*There are older associations of black with magical actions and Paganism. White is associated with holy and spiritual matters.*p*I guess it depends on one's point of view as to whuch means what and when. As an O'Dubhain, I have to like the best meanings of 'dub.'*p*Searles Re: Weighty Factors and Irish Celltic Cosmology TopazOwl 673 Fri Aug 11 17:07:47 2000