A Truth that Transcends Searles Sat Aug 12 01:02:05 2000 I view our goal of being Druids as a reawakening of the inner truth that we have always known, both in the flesh and in the spirit. There is a truth that transcends reason and outlives life. It is ourselves as the Druids once said.*p*We are neither recreating or creating Celtic spirituality and tradition when we attempt to live it. We can express it, live it, and embrace it, but we cannot synthesize it nor make it other than it already is. Our job is to find the thread that connects us to the Gods and Ancestors, as well as ourselves. Then we will be Celts and can swear by the Gods that our people swear by. We have but to reach out in body, mind, and spirit to embrace them across time, across space, and within the spirit.*p*To learn to be a Druid, study the practices and words of Druids, and follow their ways... chant their chants ... speak their tongues ... listen to the trees ... hear the voice of the waterfall ... ride the spirit of the bull .... look into the fire ... sense the winds ...read the clouds ... travel the stars ... journey within darkness ... live within truth. To be a warrior is the same, ... a Celt, ... a teacher, ... a philosopher, ... a Poet... ourselves.*p*Searles