Re: How Does a Druid Talk to a Tree? TopazOwl Tue Sep 19 00:33:12 2000 Jenny wrote,*br*: There was this one funky-looking tree (I didn't know what *br*: type) which had been badly brutalized by the fraternities *br*: which bordered the cemetery. If it wasn't dying, it was at *br*: least badly sick. Initials and obscenities had been carved *br*: into its bark. Empty beer cans and broken glass littered *br*: its roots.*br*:*br*: I thought this looked like a tree that needed a hug.*p* I'm sure it did. But the poor thing was so scarred by its treatment from others of your species that it did not love you, or any of us anymore. This story makes me so sad I could cry. It serves to remind us all that even trees, like any other living thing, can be psychologically scarred, sometimes so badly that there's no hope in this life of bringing them back to what they might have been had their life been one of relative normalcy. :(*p* Thanks for sharing your story, Jenny.*p*Leigh Re: How Does a Druid Talk to a Tree? Jenny 701 Mon Sep 18 18:26:54 2000