In Search of....? Math Hansen Wed Sep 27 13:07:24 2000 Greetings all,*p* As I stated in a message past, I'm quite new in the 'active' sense of participation in discussions on Druidry in the modern world. Although I've lurked on several mailing lists I've never really contributed as I felt myself too much the *novice* to jump into a discussion in which I had little to contribute to. Recently I decided lurking would gain me very little in the long-term so I've begun my active quest for knowledge and understanding of my chosen religion. I have to date only begun my studies with the OBOD as I read several texts by Phillip Carr-Gromm and the Book of Druidry by Ross Nichols and felt I could benefit from further studies under the OBOD program. From a purely scholastic viewpoint this poses absolutly no problem. I am quite aware that my studies will be solitary in nature and from that aspect, it matters very little from *where* I gain my knowledge. But I still feel that geography will come into play at some point as I increase in knowledge and seek community in which to share (Cyber community is great but at some point, real life connections would be nice!) and to this end I began to look at the Henge of Keltria and ADF. Both seem to be solid organizations although I admit I've seen very little Keltrian representation in any of the mailing lists I subscribe to. I posed the question of training programs to the Henge to which I received the very approriate reply of, "We will not comment on other training programs unless it is the stance of the entire organization." This I understand completely as upon second thought, I *too* would deem it inappropriate to comment on one organization if I was a representative of another. To this end I've decided to become a member of both organizations (the ADF and the Henge) in order to evaluate for myself the lessons each offers and how I can apply these or fit them in to my own studies and beliefs. I suppose my hopes for this message are that the Summerlands community might share with me the paths they took to knowledge and if that involved any organizational training. I'm not seeking a critique of current organizations but rather a guiding hand perhaps to point me in the right direction. I've been an avid student of Celtic history, myth and legend for years and now I'm now taking my first steps onto the path of learning in regards to modern Druidry...Baby steps they may be ;) I seek the wisdom of those who are far down this path in order that I may avoid some obstacles you perhaps encountered in your days of Druidic infancy.*p*Math Hansen