Re: Serpents and Celtic Serpent Power Daven Mon Oct 16 17:13:46 2000 Searles wrote,*br*: Serpents and Celtic Serpent Power*br*:*br*: This is a posting I once made in reply to a question about *br*: snakes and kundalini. Some of you were present then and I'd *br*: like to continue that discussion now in a search for our own *br*: snakes and pathways.*br*<snip a very interesting article>*br*: Searles*p*And the serpents I see are somewhat different. The symbolic meaning is good, and it covers some areas I have not thought about, but what I see a snake as is a healer.*p*Trust me on this, it's a doozie.*p*Just about every mythological PaeloPagan group (Aztecs, Sumarians, Greeks, and so on) use a snake symbology in healing. Even Christianity does this. Why?*p*Well, from my own experiences, I have worked with snakes and I discovered if you give contaminated (dirty) energy that would normally be grounded out to a snake, they will give you back just energy. They are a filter in magickal workings, returning raw energy with no masculine/feminine characteristics, no polution, no unwanted influences. Only energy such as you get from the Stars.*p*They are a natural ground as well. I was woking in the Circle, and got overwhelmed with power from a nearby surge from a barely aware pubescent girl. I had been OOB at the time, so I was lightly shielded. Well, when the "psionic nuke" hit me between the eyes I started greying out, but Tetris (our ball python) was in my lap at the time and started sucking that energy away from me. I was able to find my center again and regain my balance, but I didn't even have to think about meshing my aura or shields or anything with Tetris. It was almost as though she was an extension of me.*p*Before I hear about how she was my familliar, Tetris was not mine, I was snake-sitting at the time, and did not get her till much later.*p*So, in my worldview, snakes are healers. As we Drui are healers of those around us, the Snake seems appropriate, don't you think?*p*Daven*br* Serpents and Celtic Serpent Power Searles 706 Wed Sep 20 02:50:24 2000