daibhaid@summerlands.com Re: Ft. Hood Rides again! Daven daven@priest.com Mon Nov 6 17:35:50 2000 Daibhaid O'Broder wrote,*br*: Here is an update for those who haven't seen this elsewhere. *br*: Details at eleven. *br*:*br*: Daibhaid*br*<snip>*p*Thank you Daibhaid. I am trying to find the email addresses of the Base Chaplain (CO) and the emails for the Base Commander as well as the Commander of the MPs on base. I figure if we flood their inboxes with mail asking when they are going to do something, perhaps something will be done.*p*Daven Ft. Hood Rides again! Daibhaid O'Broder 732 Sat Nov 4 18:10:05 2000