Re: When Druids Meet mique Fri Nov 10 19:40:37 2000 :*br*: : 3. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by describing*br*: : their *rank* of attainment in their chosen specialties of Draíocht.*br*: : This strikes me as bragging.*p*i agree with topaz here. they had contests of what seem like bragging to determine who gets the heroe's portion..did they not? and is that bragging? maybe it is. but it is also a statemnet of fact, and a pride in having accomplished , and having others acknowledge your accomplishments.*p*:*br*: I'd also like to point out that boasting is a rather *br*: time-honored*br*: Celtic trait. ;-)*br*and may i tell of a quote i read in an article about norse in a recent national geographic?...there is this king who sent an envoy to a raiding party, to discuss terms of them leaving the village in peace..but this envouy wuz told to ask for the chiefnad speak only to him. well, the envoy returned w/out success. when he wuz asked to explain.. all he sayd wuz that he had no single person to talk to..they all claimed to be chiefs!*br*:*br* Re: When Druids Meet TopazOwl 737 Fri Nov 10 19:13:55 2000