Re: When Druids Meet Searles Sat Nov 11 02:48:38 2000 Daven wrote,*br*: Searles wrote,*br*: <snip of an interesting post>*br*:*br*: My comments on this point by point.*br*:*br*: >1. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: detailing the truth of the inner *nature* that caused them *br*: to seek to become Druids.*br*:*br*: One would assume from this that they trade life stories?*p*I think what is meant here is that Druids tell one another what it was that set them on the Druid Way and describe this epiphany of choice in such a way that other Druids can identify and synchronize with it.*br* *br*:*br*: >2. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: providing the *traditions* of the studies that formed them *br*: into Druids.*br*:*br*: IE Talking about what they learned?*p*This is basically the curricula of the Druidic schools in which they’ve studied.*br* *br*:*br*: >3. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: describing their *rank* of attainment in their chosen *br*: specialties of Draíocht.*br*:*br*: This strikes me as bragging.*p*Wouldn’t you want to know the degrees that a person has as well as their experience if they were going to be your doctor or discuss other professional matters with you in a professional specialty. Wouldn’t you want to know the qualifications of your lawyer, your clergy or other professional?*br* *br*:*br*: >4. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: itemizing the *skills* in the art of Druids that they *br*: practice as Druids.*br*:*br*: More bragging, but it can be done with some humility.*p*This might be considered itemizing their areas of specialty or it could be just an understanding of the techniques or systems that they use. In medicine, this might be reflected in asking a person if they specialized in surgery before you contracted with them for an operation. You might want to know if your doctor practices holistic medicine vs. heavy use of drug therapies, etc.*br* *br*:*br*: >5.Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: outlining the *goals* that they've set for themselves as *br*: Druids.*br*:*br*: Okay, this one I can see. It's like what clergy do when *br*: they get together.*p*I think everyone shares such goals and dreams with other people with whom they think they might like to establish a professional relationship. It’s a matter of getting together with like minds who share a common dream and pulling together in the same direction.*br* *br*:*br*: >6. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: detailing their *accomplishments* in their life as Druids.*br*:*br*: Strikes me as bragging again. But once again, it can be *br*: done with some humility.*p*I see this more as stating the details of one’s resume to fill out the overall picture and credibility of one’s experience.*br* *br*:*br*: >7. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: tracing the Druidic *lineage* of their teachers.*br*:*br*: Too much like the Wiccan "you aren't a *real* Wiccan *br*: because you weren't initiated by so-and-so".*p*Actually, this is very useful in evaluating where a person is coming from. If the teacher, school or group is already well known, the evaluation of the individual’s practice as a Druid might be better understood against that background. Knowing a person is a member of Keltria, ADF or OBOD might suggest something about their overall belief structure and practice.*br* *br*:*br*: >8. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: performing *prophecy* that is inspired through imbas.*br*:*br*: No comment.*p*This seems to be a matter of Druid is as Druid does. :-)*br* *br*:*br*: >9. Druids recognize one another through inquiry and by *br*: *acknowledging truth* when they see it..*br*:*br*: As everyone should.*br*:*p*Completely agreed. *br* *br*: *br*: >1. Can we ignore these nine points of being a Druid when *br*: we seek to be Druids ourselves?*br*:*br*: It makes me wonder if some of these nine can be used in this *br*: day and age. I can trace my Druidic lineage through about 5 *br*: people, but not any further. And what is to say that the *br*: first Druid I can trace my lineage back to was any more *br*: qualified to be called a Druid than I am?*p*If I already know the Druids of your lineage, I have a pretty good idea about whether or not you have credibility as a Druid though your connection to them.*br* *br*:*br*: I think some intelligence needs to be exercised in using *br*: these as 'measuring sticks' for themselves and others.*p**br*I hope that Druids everywhere consider intelligence to be a great measuring stick, along with truth, intuition and awareness.*br* *br*:*br*: >2. Can we afford to ignore discovering them in others *br*: who say they are Druids?*br*:*br*: Like I say, we need to exercise common sense. I don't *br*: object to this being used, but sense needs to be exercised.*p**br*I think that using the various ways that I’ve listed of evaluating anyone’s claims are sensible. What we are talking about here are credentials that are similar to what would be on any resume.*br* *br*:*br*: >3. Can we demonstrate them to the world through the *br*: truth of our own actions?*br*:*br*: We probably could, but I don't think it would matter to a *br*: majority of humanity. Some of the populace would be *br*: ineresed in how *real* we are, if we are ordained, and so *br*: on, but most I don't think would care. It could be *br*: demonstrated, but once again, we would look like Catholic *br*: Priests who are more concerned with proving ourselves to *br*: each other, and society, to be concerned with taking care of *br*: our "flocks". *br*:*br*: I would actually like to see some kind of measuring stick *br*: for Druids and Wiccans as well as Witches to denote who is *br*: serious about their path, and who is qualified to teach and *br*: preach, and to separate the fluff-bunnies out, but as long *br*: as there is no central authority to any of our paths, this *br*: may be a pipe dream.*p*It is a major focus of my work as a Druid to effectively establish credentials and other clear-cut ways of defining who and what we are as Druids. It’s my great hope that much of the confusion and hoopla associated with the many who *claim* to be Druids (but who are actually something else) can be eliminated through these (and similar) efforts. That’s why some of us in The Summerlands are working toward the establishment of a Druid Seminary (there are threads here on the board and also in the archived threads). I suspect that is also why OBOD, Keltria and ADF have improved (and continue to improve) their training courses. I also think that’s why the Druid College of Avalon is being established. I think that we can establish centers of credibility and authority without having to have one central authority. If we do this, I think we will be emulating the ways that the ancient Druids also established and maintained their own centers of learning and authority.*br* *br*:*br*: My two cents worth.*br*:*br*: Daven*p*A few cumals from Searles*br* Re: When Druids Meet Daven 736 Fri Nov 10 15:31:03 2000