An Apology to Searles Daven Mon Dec 4 11:47:28 2000 Searles,*p*I wanted to publically apologize to you.*p*Recently, you put up a topic thread called "When Druids Meet" and I went through it point by point and basically ripped it to shreds. Mainly the thrust of my argument was that tradition had no place in Modern Druidry since there is little verification to back it up.*p*The feelings ran deeper than that.*p*Tradition, for me, has always been used as an excuse by those who wished to keep others from thinking, and to make a generation hidebound and staid. And that is a failing in myself.*p*Recently, in meditations, and slaps from the Gods, I have changed my mind on this topic. I came to realize that Druidry is all about tradition and a connection to the past. Tradition is the center Mystery of the Druids, and as such we can't ignore it or villify traidtion.*p*So, in the same manner that I ripped into your post, I hereby apologize for that. I am incorrect in all counts on this subject.*p*I will try, and that is what learning is.*p*I don't want to have us, the modern Druids, become so wrapped up in what is traditional that it blinds us to the needs of today, or have it wrap us in chains of the past to the detriment of today and tomorrow. That is what I fear above all else. *p*Again, I am sorry.*p*(Copied to the Summerlands Message boards)*p*-- *br*Stars light your path.*br*Daven