Fire or Water May Prevail Searles O'Dubhain Thu Feb 1 16:02:55 2001 In The Summerlands IRC room last night, we were discussing Druidic thoughts on creation and cosmology. The topic of "fire or waterr" being two ways that the Druids taught the world could be changed came up and no one could remember the source reference. Here's the original quote from Strabo:*p*'Among all the tribes, generally speaking, there are three classes of men held in special honour: the Bards, the Vates and the Druids. The Bards are singers and poets; the Vates interpreters of sacrifice and natural philosophers; while the Druids, in addition to the science of nature, study also moral philosophy. They are believed to be the most just of men, and are therefore entrusted with the decision of cases affecting either individuals or the public; indeed in former times they arbitrated in war and brought to a standstill the opponents when about to draw up in line of battle; and murder cases have been mostly entrusted to their decision . . . These men, as well as other authorities , have pronounced that men's souls and the universe are indestructible, although at times fire or water may {temporarily} prevail.'