Re: Fire or Water May Prevail TopazOwl Thu Feb 1 16:40:20 2001 Searles O'Dubhain wrote,*p*: . . These men, as well as other authorities , have *br*: pronounced that men's souls and the universe are *br*: indestructible, although at times fire or water may *br*: {temporarily} prevail.'*p* Thanks, Searles. :-)*p* Yes, we were talking about the universe, the Great Song of the universe that the Gods sing, and I was pondering on the universe's relationship to knotwork, how perhaps the universe sings a cyclical song, without beginning and without end, and that knotwork is the representation of such a belief or such a song. It is the lesson within the knotwork, that there was no beginning, and there is no ending. Just a continuous song. And I mused that perhaps that is why there is no Celtic creation myth, whereas Searles then said he thought the ancients believed in a reincarnating universe, like life itself. And I added the partial (and slightly incorrect) quote from Strabo: "Though at times, fire and water will prevail..."*p* My meaning for saying this was to back up the idea that the Druids believed that the universe renewed itself, and therefore, there was no beginning and will be no end...only temporary changes, that could in some ways be considered disasters if one only considered the moment, but when thinking about a universe without end and expanding our awareness of all of time, could better be considered a means of renewal.*p*Leigh*p* Fire or Water May Prevail Searles O'Dubhain 779 Thu Feb 1 16:02:55 2001