That Which is Seen and Unseen Searles O'Dubhain Sun Feb 4 14:41:59 2001 I've decided to concentrate more of my own discussions, investigations and sharings of knowledge here in this group and a few others that are private and more Druidic than the public lists. It is my hope that we can go beyond the mundane more often in a community of Druids than we can on the open web. If this is not true, then the need for such a place as The Summerlands should itself be questioned. I think that we have here a wonderful shelter for learning, sharing and building of friendships unlike any other in the world. That being said, I hope to continue the growth that has occurred here and to foster new growth as well. Here is my message to alt.religion.druid (where I will continue to post but not as frequently or as deeply as here in our own grove):*p*MESSAGE TO ALT.RELIGION.DRUID*p*I'd like to call attention here in this group to the phenomena of Seen and*br*Unseen. What is seen here in this group is what is allowable in the general*br*paradigm. These things are topics that are part of the common modern*br*knowledge but aren't necessarily what is termed the "coimgne." Coimgne is*br*ancient knowledge that is generally known within a culture and is also that*br*part of the cultural tradition that is brought into synchronization with the*br*people's experience of the present. Many traditions are represented here on*br*this group. Some of these are modern. Others are "Neo" while there are also*br*those that are within families (perhaps even Paleo or Meso).*p*Some of the most esoteric parts of these traditions are reserved for those*br*who're initiated or those who are members. In reserving these hidden parts*br*of knowledge and wisdom, each Druidic group is not so much excluding this*br*experience from the public as they are preserving its sanctity for those who*br*are willing to do the work of truthfully and fully embracing it. The*br*ancient wisdom of the Druids was to keep such things from being profaned.*br*By 'profane' I believe they meant 'misunderstood' or 'encountered' by those*br*who were unprepared to understand. In general, isn't this what we do in our*br*own personal lives? Don't we each reserve some parts of ourselves for those*br*whom we've carefully chosen to be a loved one or a dear friend? So it is*br*with knowledge and wisdom. Sometimes it must be held back until the student*br*is ready or the anamchara has been found.*p*All pathways are not suitable for all people. Each pathway can be Druidic in*br*a sense (that is walked by a Druid), but in another sense there are many*br*different ways to travel the pathways. Even Buddha taught that lesson to*br*his disciples. Not every way that is walked will therefore be Druidic or*br*Buddhist, but they can each still be walked none the less. The clarity that*br*exists on these pathways is determined by the light and awareness of the*br*walkers. What is seen is determined by the light of the tradition and also*br*through the inner light of the observer. These lights are flickering candles*br*in their beginnings before they become blazing bonfires or need fires on the*br*hills. Fires start small and through proper feeding and construction become*br*much larger. That has always been the way of building a fire and similarly,*br*that is the way to a sharing of the fire of knowledge. These fires are built*br*within the shelter of tradition and mutual respect by the few. When they are*br*blazing, then their warmth can be enjoyed by the many.*p*While it is necessary to come into the gatherings of the world from time to*br*time to share in the human experience, it is also necessary to embrace the*br*fellowship of friends and seekers within the privacy of our groves and*br*sanctuaries. Each sort of experience is necessary for both growth and for*br*preservation. Tradition is such a shelter and community is another. That is*br*the reason why some things will never be discussed on this newsgroup in*br*public display (or in any public domain). Some things were never meant to*br*be seen by everyone. They are meant to be fully encountered only by those*br*who seek and work. Some teachings will remain generally unseen as they*br*should be. Seen and Unseen are a part of every tradition and every person.*br*They are part of the messages of the three cauldrons within the Cauldron of*br*Poesy teachings. The hidden knowledge is what was preserved by the ancients*br*Druids. It is the wisdom that comes through illumination. It is the Imbas*br*Forosnai of the Seers and Poets. It is the light that lights the Druid Way.*p*I will be following this teaching more closely in the future here and in*br*other public venues. Within The Summerlands we will be sharing more of the*br*light and fire that comes from within each of us and our traditions. We can*br*build our signal fires on the mountains. It is within the traditions*br*themselves that I and Druids everywhere (as well as every-when) expect your*br*own light to shine the most fully. When you are ready to let your own light*br*shine to the multitudes, then the Teacher and the Student will once again*br*find one another. May there always be a Seen as well as an Unseen. It is the*br*way of Light and Darkness. It is the knowledge that illuminates and it is*br*the pathway beyond ignorance. Seen perhaps, and perhaps Unseen as well.*p*END OF A.R.D. MESSAGE*p*I'm looking forward to breaking new ground here in The Summerlands, as well as learning from each of you and from your Unseen or "secret" knowledge. It is here that we can encourage and assist one another to find those greater and larger fires of wisdom that other Druids have lighted on the mountains of the Sun and the Moon. The journey continues and perpetually begins.*p*Searles*br*