Re: A Question on Druidic Validity Searles Tue Feb 20 23:47:10 2001 I'd question your teacher's intents and purposes in making such a remark. I could say the same things about almost any other religious, philosophical or spiritual group with an equal chance of being wrong and self-defining in my conclusions.*p*"There are no real christians today since the followers of Christ all died a long time ago. Hence, they must be extinct. Anyone calling themselves a christian today must be using a different definition." Sounds pretty self-fulfilling to me and equally lame.*p*There are real Druids today (just as there are real Christians) and they are neither extinct nor historical. Their intents and purposes are here and now. They are here and now.*p*Searles*p*Beirdd wrote,*br*: A teacher of mine once told me that since "druid" *br*: describes an historical priesthood that, to all intents and *br*: purposes, is currently extinct, there can be no real druids *br*: today.*br*:*br*: What would be the response to those on this board to the *br*: above statement?*br*:*br*: Beirdd :-)*br* A Question on Druidic Validity Beirdd 787 Tue Feb 20 19:35:54 2001