Re: Ogham: Spindle Searles Sat Apr 7 11:11:00 2001 Hawthorn is indeed the Maytree but Spindle is the post around which the year turns and it is also the tree that embraces the entire season of Bealtaine and not just its beginnings.*p*The Word Ogham of Mac ind Óic should guide us in our underdstanding of Spindle or Oir. The god calls it, "Li crotha (‘beauty of form; health, oi’)." Beauty of form and health reflect our own appreciation and participation within the greater Beauty and Health of Nature. Our Joy should know no bounds as we sing the songs of Life, Love and Liberty. In our joy for living we help to create Life for Life. Spindle is Joy in the Living. What better tree to symbolize the entire season of Bealtaine?*p*When we see the weaving about the Maypole, are we reminded more of the Thorn than we are of the Spindle?*p*"So he conducted him until he came in sight of the palace and its dwellings. 'Behold,' said he, 'the Court and the kingdom in thy power. Enter the Court, there is no one there who will know thee, and when thou s