Re: Kudos Beirdd Sun Mar 12 09:32:32 2000 I daresay that this kind of statement is exactly what inflames the detractors and bigots even more, since it shows that they are transparent and shallow. There's no greater way to inflame an enemy than to let him know you know his every thought.*p*--Beirdd*p*TopazOwl wrote,*br*: " The Church is “not afraid of the truth that emerges *br*: from history and is ready to acknowledge mistakes wherever *br*: they have been identified, especially when they involve the *br*: respect that is owed to individuals and communities. She is *br*: inclined to mistrust generalizations that excuse or condemn *br*: various historical periods. She entrusts the investigation *br*: of the past to patient, honest, scholarly reconstruction, *br*: free from confessional or ideological prejudices, regarding *br*: both the accusations brought against her and the wrongs she *br*: has suffered.” "*br*:*br*: You GO, John Paul!!! <g>*br*:*br*: Leigh*br*: The Historian*br* Kudos TopazOwl 134 Sun Mar 12 01:18:13 2000