Re: Clarification Beirdd Sun Mar 12 09:38:41 2000 That passage simply points out that forgiveness for sins granted by sacrament (confession) or special*br*indulgences (such as the Jubilee Pilgrimage) always dealt with personal sin (the particular sins of the*br*individual), and that now the Church is pointing out that the Jubilee Indulgence may also take into account*br*sins of the past that are not one's own. For instance, you wouldn't go to confession to seek pardon for the*br*sins of your Inquisitor Great- Great- Great- Great- Great- Great-Grand Uncle, but you could keep in your*br*conscience the sins and sad consequences of the Inquisition as part of your intention for pardon granted by an*br*indulgence (which, BTW, are not granted for money, but for prayerful acts). In other words, since when you ask*br*you shall receive, asking for "extra" grace from pardon permits you to apply that abundance beyond your "personal account" (that's my description of it, not the Church's).*p*--Beirdd*p*TopazOwl wrote,*br*: *br*: In reading the document on the Vatican website, I came *br*: across this in the Introduction:*br*:*br*: "From its first celebration under Boniface VIII in *br*: 1300, the penitential pilgrimage to the tombs of the *br*: Apostles Peter and Paul was associated with the granting of *br*: an exceptional indulgence for procuring, with sacramental *br*: pardon, total or partial remission of the temporal *br*: punishment due to sin.(4) In this context, both sacramental *br*: forgiveness and the remission of temporal punishment have a *br*: personal character. In the course of the “year of pardon and *br*: grace,”(5) the Church dispenses in a particular way the *br*: treasury of grace that Christ has constituted for her *br*: benefit.(6) In none of the Jubilees celebrated till now has *br*: there been, however, an awareness in conscience of any *br*: faults in the Church’s past, nor of the need to ask God’s *br*: pardon for conduct in the recent or remote past."*br*:*br*: This means that those of the Catholic faith who *br*: celebrate the Jubilee (with the awareness in conscience of *br*: any faults of the Church's past and the asking of God's *br*: pardon) will be granted exceptional indulgences?*br*:*br* Clarification TopazOwl 126 Sun Mar 12 00:06:13 2000