Truth TopazOwl Sun Mar 12 13:51:08 2000 The other thing I couldn't help but notice, interwoven throughout this Church document, is the unending search for Truth (and it is written with a capital T) as a spiritual quest. As a Druid, who is in a constant search for that Truth also, I found it refreshing. As spiritual human beings, we do indeed have far more in common than not.*p* In one of our Keltrian chats a week or so ago, we discussed evidence that this Truth was mentioned in eulogy sometimes by the Celts for a person who has passed on, in effect: "S/he is with the Truth now." In discussing this, the relationship between Truth and Deity was, for some, an epiphany.*p* Just as the Church believes that Truth is with God, or that Truth *is* God, this Druid believes that being closer to Truth brings us closer to the divine. This Druid believes that they are one and the same. So when a Druid spends his/her life in service to Truth and in service to the revelation of Truth, we are in essence in service to the divine. I think the two are inseperable.*p* Just some of my semi-related thoughts on a snowy Sunday afternoon. :-)*p*In Service,*br*Leigh*br*