Re: The Pagan Section Beirdd Sun Mar 12 16:36:41 2000 BlueDreams wrote,*p*: I'm confused about this one part, I have friends that are of *br*: the Witness faith and they have a very firm belief in Christ *br*: as the Divine Savior and now reigning King. Are there two *br*: faiths of this nature? (a peculiar faith to say the least, *br*: they believe in the sanctity of the Earth yet refuse to *br*: honor Her as our Lifegiver) Ahh, but to each his own and now *br*: back to the topic at hand, good job by the way, very *br*: interesting topic lines here. Blue*p*The Witnesses have an interesting history when it comes to describing their belief in the nature of Christ. The Witness translation of the beginning of the Gospel of John, for instance, goes "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was *a* god." Christians equate "the Word" with Christ; they would also more accurately translate the passage "the Word was with God and the Word *was* God." Therefore a Christian accepts the divinity of Christ (one and the same as God) while, unless it has recently changed, the Witnesses would view Christ as a divinely-sent savior being, at the least, a divinely revved-up human, or a super-angel at the most, but not equal to God. They do often refer to themselves as Christians (it helps to open doors in their mission) though not in the more widely spread sense of the term.*p*I know it all seems very confusing; I hope this helped. BTW: the literature, if not the members, of the Witnesses has a tradition of being vehementaly anti-Catholic! In my experience, the people are often wonderfully family oriented and dignified.*p*--Beirdd Re: The Pagan Section BlueDreams 144 Sun Mar 12 13:15:04 2000