The Chickpea's Leap (Rumi) Beirdd Wed May 10 21:56:32 2000 The Chickpea's Leap*br*(Rumi)*p*A chickpea leaps in its boiling*br*almost past the rim of the pot.*br*"Why are you treating me so?"*br*The cook taps it down with his spoon.*p*"Don't attempt to escape the pot.*br*What you think of as torture*br*is me giving you flavor,*br*so you can stand next to spices and rice*br*and become the sweet life of a person.*br*Remember the rain you drank in the garden?*br*All that was to bring you to this."*p*First is grace, then physical pleasure,*br*then a new life boiling over,*br*and a friend has good food to eat.*p**br*(trans. M. Allessandro, used with permission) Sacred Poetry Collection Beirdd 153 Wed May 10 21:29:29 2000