St. Columba's Island Hermitage Beirdd Sun Jul 2 10:43:14 2000 St. Columba's Island Hermitage*br*(Irish; Author Unknown; 12th century)*p*Delightful, I believe it is, to be at the heart of an island,*br*on the peak of a rock, that I might watch from there*br*the calmness of the sea.*p*That I might see its ponderous waves over the glittering water,*br*as they chant a song to their Creator*br*on their neverending journey.*p*That I might see the soft, clean shore of the headlands,*br*no sad thing; that I might hear the voice of wondrous birds,*br*no sad song.*p*That I might hear the sound of the waves in the shallows*br*against the rocks; that I might hear the cry by the graves,*br*the sound of the sea.*p*That I might see the splendid flocks of birds over the fullness*br*of ocean; that I might see its mighty whales,*br*wonders above all.*p*That I might see its tides flow in ebb and flood;*br*that this might be my name, a secret only I can tell:*br*"He who turned his back on Ireland."*p*That heartfelt contrition should grow within me as I watch;*br*that I might mourn my many sins,*br*even those too hard to speak.*p*That I might bless the Lord who has power above all,*br*Heaven with its host of perfect angels,*br*earth, and the ebb and flow of the tides.*p*That I might become absorbed in one of my books,*br*good for my soul; spend a while kneeling before Heaven,*br*a while at the psalms.*p*A while gathering seaweed from the rock, a while fishing,*br*a while feeding the poor, a while alone*br*in my cell.*p*A while meditating on the Kingdom of Heaven;*br*holy is the Redemption; a while at work that is not too hard,*br*it would be a delight! Sacred Poetry Collection Beirdd 153 Wed May 10 21:29:29 2000