YLSS 8-10-00: Heroes Among Us Deborah deborah@summerlands.com Thu Aug 10 15:31:20 2000 HEROES AMONG US*p*Not every Marine is a hero! During field training exercises at*br*Parris Island, South Carolina, one drill instructor threw a pine*br*cone among the recruits and yelled, "Grenade!" The trainees*br*immediately turned away and hit the ground. "Just as I*br*suspected," chided the DI. "Not a hero among you! Didn't anyone*br*want to jump on that grenade to save the others?"*p*A little later the instructor threw another pine cone and yelled,*br*"Grenade!" This time, all the recruits but one jumped on the*br*"explosive."*p*"Why are you still standing there?" the DI demanded.*p*"Sir," the recruit replied, "someone had to live to tell about*br*it."*p*Not everyone is a hero. But then, not every hero is instantly*br*recognizable. For heroes do not always wear uniforms and perform*br*mighty acts of valor.*p*Do you know a hero? I think perhaps you do. Heroes, you see, can*br*be found in some of the most unexpected places! I knew a young*br*mother who was slowly dying of cancer from a hospital bed, yet*br*she put aside her pain long enough every day to smile and laugh*br*with her children. And I watched her husband fill the roles of*br*single parent and financial provider, and still spend every*br*remaining moment sitting at his mate's bedside, valiantly*br*encouraging and offering whatever hope he could muster.*p*I have known talented teachers who could have worked at far more*br*lucrative professions, yet were determined to stay in a*br*disadvantaged school in the hope that some of their kids might*br*succeed.*p*I have known students who, against great obstacles at home,*br*persevered in the hope of someday "making something" of*br*themselves.*p*I have known people from all walks of life face their*br*difficulties with optimism, determination and courage, daily*br*overcoming the impossible. These are the heroes among us.*p*Many of the world's true heroes have never seen battle, cannot*br*compete athletically and will never sing in a pop band. They have*br*been too busy plodding away in less glorified arenas.*p*Do you know a hero? Perhaps one lives in your home. And quite*br*likely, one looks back at you from the mirror. For it is in these*br*everyday battles of the spirit that true wars are fought and won.*br*And it is these "everyday" heroes who remind us that anything is*br*possible, one day at a time.*p*> From the book, RICHES OF THE HEART. Free shipping USA/Can.*br*and free gift wrapping, too. Get yours here: <a href="*br*http://store.yahoo.com/lifesupportsystem/books.html ">BOOKS</a>*br*Or Call Toll-Free 1-877-344-0989. Autographed until Aug. 31!*p**p* "Ain't Nothing You Can Do" - 8/9/00 Deborah 183 Wed Aug 9 13:47:28 2000 Your Life Support System