Re: Free Access Ending Soon Deborah Sun Aug 9 22:26:50 1998 Hi Charlotte,*p*Welcome. To be honest... sometimes we're not too sure what to make of it either <GGG>.*p*The membership fee is $5 a month (payable in 6 month or 1 year increments if at all possible... otherwise the bookkeeping is horrendous). This includes all message boards, libraries, chat groups and ceremonies. Classes and seminars, which are offered periodically, are not included in this basic price. Classes are priced individually based on length and materials.*p*The membership fees go to pay for the server space and additional hardware/software needed to keep Summerlands running and growing in ways to better serve our members and the Celtic Pagan Community. There is more information on this and other areas/features under the general info button on the Crossroads (the one with the two fingers touching).*p*Hope that once we get the registration form reprogrammed you'll join us. The more the merrier.*p*Take care,*br*Deb*p*PS: New Member Orientation is the first Monday of the month. You can also pick up most of the information (still have a few pages to finish) on 'what it is, where it is, and how do I use it', by going to the Tower room and clicking on the portrait over the fireplace or on the New Member Info link in the text. Re: Free Access Ending Soon Charlotte /|/ 101 Sun Aug 9 20:30:47 1998