Re: Quote of the Day Infiniti Sun Oct 4 22:29:37 1998 Okay, I see we had a slight miscommunication. When I heard the stuff about the sex, I saw nothing about the legalities, and figured she had gone back to the post before, or something like that. I understand now, thank you. It doesn't matter if he broke the law.*p*I try to ask questions about the accualities, and many of the questions I asked in the last post were accualities, but it seems to me that everyone behind Clinton wants to make sure there can be no further investigations or possiblities of trial, as you had just mentioned. "Censure and Move On".*p*Now, might I ask a simple question. If you feel that you do not want or need to answer it, I fully understand, and will make no assumptions or accusations on that. I am a child at the grown-up table just trying to understand what the Hell everyone is doing. I know that my questioning tends to piss people off, so I am used to not being answered.*br*: For myself, I desire that the *br*: Congress act in truth and faith to the will of the People *br*: and the good of the country.*br*Don't you expect this from your President as well?*p*I personally don't care what Party the President is. I follow a line of Truth, as do you, Searles, and I expect this from those that speak for me. To not do so soils me, as well as them. I don't care why he lied, or what reasoning someone can put behind why he would break laws (and even though he has admitted such, about a few, some still don't believe he did, I don't understand that either). I care that it was done. I care that I have been lied to repeatedly for months, maybe years, until it appeared he had no place left to go but to the truth. I care that I can no longer trust this man, for I can no longer tell what is truth, and what is not. I care, because I have had this man in office for six years, and I no longer can believe anything he has said that entire time.*p*Whether it was right or not to ask him if he had the affair, and I agree that on may levels it was not right to be asked, but on some, it was right. However, it is not like anyone would have cared if he had the affair and confessed, it wouldn't have been the first affair he had, lest we forget the many years with Jennifer Flowers. Now I have to question if the other things he is being investigated for, that he has said he did not do - I have to decide now if I should trust him in those statements, or was he lying there too.*p*I do not treat my religion, my politics, and my life separately as most people _seem_ to do. They are all one. If I am to be bound by truth, faith, dignity, honor, respect, loyalty, courage, I expect that from my politicians as well. I expect this from my friends even more. We are all human, and many of us make mistakes, but this has gone beyond that.*p*I do not want the President impeached, for that would cause a serious Presidential problem for anyone who comes later. I also do not want any crimes that have been commited to be left unpunished, for that would do the same. At this point, I'm not really sure what i want done to him, but I _do_ know that I don't want him slipping away. Sonner or later someone will start saying that if he can do it, I can do it.*p*I have talked to many people who stand behind Clinton, and many seem to actually be more POed at him than I am, but don't want to admit that they have been had. Or, if that is an inapropriate phrasing, we'll try are willing to ignore something in him that they would not have ignored in another of a different party, or that they did not vote for and support.*p*To be entirely honest, if Busch or Dole had been elected and done this, I would have acted the very same way I do now. However, in a more private setting, I would have been beating the living shit out of a punching bag. I know how it feels to be taken for a foul and to put my faith and trust in someone who didn't deserve it, and I know how hard it is to admit such. However, I am not saying that is the case here, just some of what I have seen. I have no way of knowing the case here, you are a few miles away from me.*p*I have also noted that the people that want him impeached the most are Liberatarians, and not republican (save some politicians). In this, some of our politicians are not speaking for the party.*p*Lastly, I am man enough to amdit that, even though I did not at any time vote for Clinton (I voted for the big eared one the first time and the Vet the second), I am man enough to admit that Clinton has done some reasonably good work in office. I am also able to see when he used the office for his own political gains. I do not condone that in him, I do not condone that in any politician. It is the stand point of the morally week,IMO. I do believe that, at this point, he has soiled himself so much, that anything he does from here on out, will only be looked at as bad. I find this sad, but I also know it to be true.*p*Michael Re: Quote of the Day Searles 159 Sun Oct 4 20:34:34 1998