Re: Quote of the Day Infiniti Sun Oct 4 22:57:40 1998 Beirdd, long threads means people are reading and reponding, this is good. it is also good, because you need long threads by which to sew, such as in a kilt. :)*p*: Will the Rule of Law which, as they used to say, measures *br*: both peasant and king, survive? Can a lie be understandable *br*: in a personal matter, or is it fatal no matter the subject *br*: when it flies in the face of an oath?*p*Might I ask you that, if you took an oath, or knew another, say your clan chief (taking a step way back in time), and then that person broke that oath. Would you trust his word again? or would you rather he tell you of his shortsidedness? I for one, would have stood more steadfastly behind the chief, or you if that was the case, who told me that he was not perfect, and had violated our ways. Ways he, or you, had sworn to uphold. For, then i know that his word is good, and I, among many others that look after the favor of the chief, may work around this shortcoming. I would do so, because my chief, or you, would have not only shown me that his word was good, but that he had the courage to admit this mistakes.*p*To be chief, as I have always known it, is to take your peoples needs and desires above your own, to act in a way that brings honor, not only to yourself, but to your people, even those that may have not wanted you as chief. To be chief is to find a road of common ground, to at least make peace with your internal problem within the clan before considering waging a war against another clan who burned down your inn (can I get anymore hypothetically literal than this?). to be chief is to no longer act for your own gains or desires, but for those of the people that would be your clan. Would you continue to follow your chief, once you have found that he did not do these thing. that he did not uphold to the oath he gave.*p*I have had to lead others most of my life. I have followed this ideal as best as I could and still be human. If I could have the courage and dignity and understanding to do this, the by the Gods, William Jefferson Clinton could, too. Lets put perspective on this. If I can do it, who did not always want the task, someone who twice campaigned for the right and privilage of that task, had damned well better be able to do it. After all, no one forced him to be President, take any oath, or to do anything he has done that STRONGLY violates the fore mentioned.*p*If my chief takes an oath before myself and my kin, be them of any faith, then I expect it to be upheld, or I expect he shall not take it. If it is taken, then I expect him to be strong enough to act as he himself dictated.*p*I did not vote for this chief, either time, but I excepted that he was my chief. I excepted it and expected him to uphold the oath that he swore to me and million of others. I hae, at no time, sought his removal as my chief, and I have defended him in the past, because I felt that what he did was right. I no longer feel that I can follow this chief, and still remain a man dedicated to my people and truth, honor, dignity, or courage. to do so would be degrading both to myself, and my people.*p*Michael Re: Quote of the Day Beirdd 160 Sun Oct 4 21:26:54 1998