Re: Quote of the Day Infiniti Sun Oct 4 23:08:14 1998 You are absolutely right, TopazOwl, he is neither the only on to mess around in the White House, nor is he the only one to break the law in the White House. Some of those others I would have notted the noose myself.*p*He is the only one that is still in the White House. And he is the only one that I had a means to change.*p*It is not a matter of national security, you are correct, it is far worse than that. He is not the Secretary of Defence, or Interior, or Security. He is the President. He is the one man that symbolizes who we are and what we are to the rest of the world. he is the one man who is the pennacle of our moral and legal standards. he is the one man who swore an oath before MILLIONS to uphold those morals and legal standards.*p*Am I an Idealist, an optimist - maybe. However, the one thing that i have never learned in my years. The one thing that has failed me that so many others have achieved, even after I have been detrayed by loved ones, stabbed by my own friends, shot and left for dead - after all that I have endured and learned - apathy is not in my resume.*p*Take it how you like.*p*As I said before, even here in the Summerlands, our politicians do not always speak for us...*p*Michael*p*TopazOwl wrote,*br*: *br*: Deborah wrote,*br*:*br*: : No... I do NOT care if he lied about getting a blow job. *br*: : Period. End of report. It is a question that he should not *br*: : have had posed to him in the first place. It was and is *br*: : nobody's business except his and Hillary's.*br*:*br*: Well, I'm a registered Republican (believe it or not), *br*: and I feel the same way you do about it, Deb. Nobody's *br*: business, not a matter of national security, why are we *br*: wasting so much time on this, and heck, he isn't the only *br*: President who messed around in the White House. He's just *br*: the one who got investigated. If it wasn't that, they would *br*: have tried to get him on something else. Of course, Party *br*: has never really meant much to me anyway, and some of mine *br*: truly embarrass me at times. *br*:*br*: Topaz*br* Re: Quote of the Day TopazOwl 156 Sun Oct 4 20:07:39 1998