Re: Quote of the Day Infiniti Mon Oct 5 00:58:50 1998 I have, over the course of the last month or so, found that most responces to me come as something like, "well, he's the president, so he souldn't have had to answer these questions" or, on an extreme I met "I don't give a damn if he shots the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he's MY president, and I hope he outlaws all Republican Nazis". These are direct quotes.*p*You did give me a pretty good answer in the previous post, I just had a small question arise from it. I have never heard anyone in support of Clinton give such a consise, pointed statement as the one you have given me, and I greatly thank you for it. I have heard the words many times before, but never quite the reasoning. I had been told before that if the President did break the law, it didn't matter because it was his personal life. I have also heard that he broke the law, so what, and that he never did break the law. I have never heard why anyone felt the way that they did. Just what they felt, and may times that came at me in rather hateful tones.*p*And, again, I thank you.*p*Michael Re: Quote of the Day Searles 166 Mon Oct 5 00:05:57 1998