Re: Yard Sale? Deborah Mon Oct 12 19:36:37 1998 Hey Michael,*p*We can put it in the public area. I think the main reason for considering placing it in a member restricted area is the safety of the actual sale. We have had notices from Pagan shop owners, craftspeople and vendors on the internet that there is a group of rabid Christian jerks who have been ordering lots of stuff, waiting just long enough for the vendor/shop keeper to place the order with their suppliers (even to getting the raw materials to make handmade specialty orders) and then cancelling the order. This means that the Pagan vendor is out the amount of the goods/materials (at least until he can get a refund... IF he can get a refund). We have discussed procedures for when we bring the market online for double checking to make sure that all orders are valid so our people dont get taken. Apparently, they were backtraced and discovered who some of them were... I seem to remember that they were operating mostly out of Florida. *p*Anyway, that was the original thinking for keeping stuff inside the firewalls. However, if you're willing to take a chance on stuff out on the public web, we're certainly willing to consider it.*p*Deborah Re: Yard Sale? Infiniti 184 Mon Oct 12 18:47:07 1998