Re: Yard Sale? Infiniti Mon Oct 12 20:29:40 1998 Deborah wrote,*br*: We can put it in the public area. I think the main reason *br*: for considering placing it in a member restricted area is *br*: the safety of the actual sale. We have had notices from *br*: Pagan shop owners, craftspeople and vendors on the internet *br*: that there is a group of rabid Christian jerks who have been *br*: ordering lots of stuff, waiting just long enough for the *br*: vendor/shop keeper to place the order with their suppliers *br*: (even to getting the raw materials to make handmade *br*: specialty orders) and then cancelling the order. This means *br*: that the Pagan vendor is out the amount of the *br*: goods/materials (at least until he can get a refund... IF he *br*: can get a refund). We have discussed procedures for when we *br*: bring the market online for double checking to make sure *br*: that all orders are valid so our people dont get taken. *br*: Apparently, they were backtraced and discovered who some of *br*: them were... I seem to remember that they were operating *br*: mostly out of Florida. *p*Yup, and I have tracked down a number of pagan that o thid very same thing. In truth, anything you go to sell on the internet will find this problem, regardles of the faith of the individuals. I have this problem on my site, I tend to charge by credit card and _make_ them deal with their credit card company, and on continued cases, the card company and the justice department for fraud.*p*: Anyway, that was the original thinking for keeping stuff *br*: inside the firewalls. However, if you're willing to take a *br*: chance on stuff out on the public web, we're certainly *br*: willing to consider it.*p*Whichever you guy feel is best. There are risks to anything you do on the net, but I still like the wider audience.*p*Michael Re: Yard Sale? Deborah 185 Mon Oct 12 19:36:37 1998