Re: Reading material Deborah Wed Oct 28 01:40:48 1998 Hi Eilis*p*Nope... you're not nuts. I think most of us have had that same 'geeeee this seems awfully familiar' once we finally get on our right path (which is differnet for everybody). I know that once I found Celtic Paganism it was like I just flicked a light switch. All the concepts and rituals that I had been 'struggling' with from christianity to shamanism suddenly became illuminated when placed within the Celtic context of my own bloodline and heritage.*p*It's amazing how easy and freeing it becomes. And you'll probably discover as you tread the path for a while that you just 'know' things without having to be told or taught by someone directly.*p*Welcome,*br*Deborah Reading material eilis' 198 Sun Oct 25 18:47:45 1998