December StarDial Jehana Silverwing Tue Dec 1 22:04:07 1998 December 1998 ce StarDial*p* Dec 02 - Mercury at perihelion*br* Dec 02 - Moon at perigee (closest point to Earth in this cycle) at 7:18 am, EST*p* Dec 03 - Moon passes 0.6 degrees north of Aldebaran, 8 am EST. (Eastern Standard Time)*br* Dec 03 - Full Moon at 10:19 am EST.*br* Dec 03 - Jehana celebrates another birthday; another circuit around the Sun.*p* Dec 04 - Asteroid 1866 Sisypus near-Earth flyby (0.338 AU - astronomical units)*br* Dec 04 - Venus should start becoming visible in the west/southwest shortly after sunset from this date on thru its cycle.*p* Dec 06 - Asteroid 3362 Khufu near-Earth flyby (0.364 AU)*br* Dec 06 - Anniversary: The atmosphere of Venus is detected for the first time in 1882.*p* Dec 09 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Pioneer Venus 2 landing on Venus*br* Dec 09 - Moon passes 0.01 degess south of Regulus at 1 am, EST.*p* Dec 10 - Moon at last quarter at 12:53 pm, EST.*br* Dec 10 - Good early morning viewing before sunrise in the east for Mercury for the next two weeks.*p* Dec 12 - Asteroid 7480 Norwan near-Earth flyby (0.360 AU)*br* Dec 12 - Moon passes 1.8 degrees north of Mars at 3 am, EST.*br* Dec 12 - Some Geminid meteors may be visible.*p* Dec 13 - Geminid meteor shower peaks. View them shooting from the east in the evening, from the high south in the wee hours.*p* Dec 14 - Moon at apogee (farthest point from Earth) at 12:05 EST.*p* Dec 16 - Mars is at aphelion (farthrest point from Sun) at 5 pm EST.*br* Dec 16 - Moon passes 3 degrees north of Mercury at 7 pm EST.*br* *br* Dec 17 - 95th Anniversary (1903), Wright Brothers' 1st airplane flight*p* Dec 18 - Dark Moon at 5:42 pm, EST.*br* Dec 18 - 40th Anniversary (1958), Score Launch (1st telecommunication satellite)*p* Dec 19 - Mercury is at its greatest western elogation at 11 pm, EST (22 degrees from the Sun).*p* Dec 20 - Asteroid 3352 McAuliffe near-Earth flyby (0.396 AU)*br* Dec 20 - 1st Day Of Ramadan*p* Dec 22 - Winter Solstice, 01:56 UT (or, 8:56 pm EST on the 21st)*br* Dec 22 - Ursid Meteor Shower -- not as promising as the Geminids. Look to the north.*p* Dec 25 - Moon passes 1.2 degrees south of Jupiter at 6 am, EST.*p* Dec 26 - Moon at First Quarter at 5:46 am EST.*p* Dec 27 - Moon passes 2 degrees south of Saturn at 6 pm EST.*p* Dec 30 - Moon at perigee at 12:49 pm EST.*br* Dec 30 - Moon passes 0.6 degrees north of Aldebaran at 6 pm, EST. *p* Dec 31 - Leap Second Added To World's Clocks*p*And, mark your calendars now!!! ~*p**br*December 31, 2233 Total Solar Eclipse of December 31, 2233 will be visible*br*on New Years day, January 1, 2234 for the West Pacific.*p*December 31, 2252 Total Solar Eclipse of December 31, 2252 will be visible*br*on New Years day, January 1, 2253 for the West Pacific.*p*********br*Sources: Astronomy Magazine, Space Calendar, Solar Eclipse Calendar, Mother Earth News.*br*