Celtic Parables Taliesin_2 Mon Feb 1 00:14:25 1999 Awhile back I had bought a book called Celtic Parables: Stories, Poems & Prayersby Robert van de Wyer, ISBN # 1-896836-25-9, $14.95(USA), Publisher Northstone. I thought I might post one here frequently & see if any wants to review and or try to paganize it.*p*Here is # 1*p*Cause of Distress*p*Your body is as tense as a cat's,*br*As it stalks its prey.*br*Your thoughts swirl like willow branches, *br*Caught in the autumn winds.*br*Your soul is as heavy as peat, *br*Freshly dug from the bog.*br*Your heart is as dark as soil,*br*Sodden with winter rains.*p*First understand the cause of your distress.*br*Only then can you be healed.*p*IMO, this needs no corrections. Sounds good to me. :)