Re: Would Like to know more Aurora Sat May 16 20:59:43 1998 Keith wrote,*br*: I am on a spiritual journey, and find your views of great *br*: interest. Is there any one from Ontario Canada that I can *br*: chat with to get a better understanding of Summerlands *br*: beliefs and practices. It would be greatly appreciated *br*: Thanks Keith*p**br*Keith,*p*I am not from Ontario, but the wonderful thing about computers and IRC is that we're only a few keystrokes away. Join us in the #Summerlands , on the Starlink-IRC net. You can normally find one of us there, and I do believe Deborah has some plans in place for some general chat and just to share a cup of your favorite beverage. *p*I looke forward to meeting you,*br*Rori Would Like to know more Keith 9 Mon May 11 11:35:13 1998