Re: Is he responsible...? Taliesin_2 Mon Mar 1 16:48:28 1999 TopazOwl wrote,*br*: The problem between the Catholics and the Protestants *br*: (what you refer to here as "the IRA vs the Brits") *br*: in Northern Ireland has nothing to do with St. Patrick. The *br*: entire problem was caused by the Plantation of Ulster with *br*: English and Scots Lowlanders who just happened to also be *br*: Protestant, further dividing the already politically divided *br*: along religious lines as well.*br*:*br*: Do not confuse the conflict in Northern Ireland with *br*: anything religious. It is purely political. Also, do not *br*: hold the modern IRA in any great esteem -- it does not have *br*: the support of the Irish people, who want peace.*br*:*br*: Leigh*p*I stand corrected. I was wrong to bring the IRA into it. But one must admit in a world as complex as this is today, all things are possible. /) Re: Is he responsible...? TopazOwl 311 Mon Mar 1 11:35:05 1999