Re: 4 to 8 to 4??? Searles Wed Mar 10 18:07:34 1999 There were four ancient festivals or holiday periods among the Irish Celts. These festivals were known as Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine,and Lughnasadh. The Druids led the rituals that were held during the muliti-day/multi-week periods of these festivals. The times of the Equinoxes and the Solstices were also marked and honored by the Druids in their role as keepers of time and space among the Irish Celts. It was they who knew the Seasons of the Sun and the Age of the Moon. No festivals were held on these important days and celestial events, but the Druids certainly held rituals among themselves for synchronising spirit and deity.*p*These are the names that I know for the eight days/festivals/seasons of the Irish Celts:*p*Samhain - Oiche Shamna - Summer's End*br*La/ Gheimhridih - Grianstadh Gheimhridh - Winter Solstice*br*Imbolc - Oilmeig - La/ Fhe/ile Bhri/de - St. Brigit's Day*br*Co/nocht Earraigh - Ca/isc (Easter) - Spring Equinox*br*La/ Bealtaine - Ceitsamhain - Bright Fires/ Summer's Beginning*br*La/ Shamraidh - Grainstadh Shamraidh - Summer Solstice*br*Lugfhnasadh - Bron Trogain - Harvest's Beginning*br*Co/nocht Fho/mhair - Me/an Fo/mhair - Fall Equinox*p*There are other names to know these holidays by in other Celtic traditions. There I can not help you as much. Remember that each day is sacred and that all events of Land, Sea and Sky are gifts of the gods.*p*Searles*p*Taliesin_2 wrote,*br*: Hi all. I have a question. If the Ancient Druids only *br*: celebrated only four holidays ( two of which are Beltaine & *br*: Samhain or Samhuinn) why do all the Druid Orders (ADF, *br*: Keltria & OBOD) insist/require that we celebrate 8 *br*: holidays??? 4 to 8 to 4??? Taliesin_2 315 Sun Mar 7 16:05:39 1999 A Druid's Calendar