Re: A Word About Those Snakes... Beirdd Sun Mar 14 14:16:35 1999 In case anyone is wondering about the dating of St. Patrick's Day, it has nothing to do with proximity to the Spring Equinox and a desire to "Christianize" it.*p*Although I suspect that the exact reason for the dating is probably lost, saint feast days are always set on the anniversary of a significant event in the life of the saint. In order of custom, these are:*p*1-The earthly death of the saint.*br*2-The translation (transportation) of the saint's relics to their present location.*br*3-The ordination to high church office.*br*4-The dedication of the main church in honor of the saint (in this case, the cathedral at Armagh).*p*As far as I can tell, no relics of Patrick are known to exist and the place of his burial is not certain. He also held several church offices. Therefore, I suspect that the date, March 17, is tied to the date of his death, which may also have been celebrated in a special dedication of the Cathedral at Armagh.*p*--Beirdd A Word About Those Snakes... Jenny 320 Sun Mar 14 11:32:50 1999