Re: Dagda's harp Searles Sun Aug 8 18:29:05 1999 Most of what I have posted, written, published and sold about Daur Da Blao, The Dagda's Harp is found in _Cath Maige Tuired_ edited and translated by E. A. Gray. Versions of the information are also to be found in Eugen O'Curry's _Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish_. Some more of it probably derives from imbas that was triggered within me by the words of Sea/n O'Boyle's _Ogam, The Poets' Secret_.*p*Beyond these sources, I have not sought to go.*p*Searles*p**br*harpsinger wrote,*br*: Greetings- being a harper, I am interested in the harp of *br*: Dagda and I am working on an academic project with that as *br*: the focus.Any information about it would be welcome, however *br*: I would appreciate it if you can document your source *br*: material (you know how academics are!) Many thanks! *br*: harpsinger*br* Dagda's harp harpsinger 407 Sun Aug 8 16:07:38 1999